Victor Claudio Bento Camargo
Victor Claudio Bento Camargo
UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos
在 dep.ufscar.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Three time-based scale formulations for the two-stage lot sizing and scheduling in process industries
VCB Camargo, FMB Toledo, B Almada-Lobo
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63, 1613-1630, 2012
A knapsack problem as a tool to solve the production planning problem in small foundries
VCB Camargo, L Mattiolli, FMB Toledo
Computers & Operations Research 39 (1), 86-92, 2012
HOPS–Hamming-Oriented Partition Search for production planning in the spinning industry
VCB Camargo, F Toledo, B Almada-Lobo
European Journal of Operational Research 234, 266-277, 2014
A genetic algorithm based on dual hesitant fuzzy preference relations for consensus group decision making
LDDR Calache, VCB Camargo, L Osiro, LCR Carpinetti
Applied Soft Computing 121, 108778, 2022
Glass container production planning with warm-ups and furnace extraction variation losses
RF Fachini, KF Esposto, VCB Camargo
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 90, 527-543, 2017
A framework for development of advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems in glass container industry
RF Fachini, KF Esposto, VCB Camargo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29 (3), 570-587, 2018
Unconditional performance of the chart: Comparison among five standard deviation estimators
CE Faria Sobue, FS Jardim, VCB Camargo, FL Lizarelli, PC Oprime
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36 (5), 1808-1819, 2020
The production planning problem of orders in small foundries
MGS Furtado, VCB Camargo, FMB Toledo
RAIRO-Operations Research 53 (5), 1551-1561, 2019
Proposta de um método de localização e alocação de pontos de coleta seletiva
LDDR Calache, VCB Camargo
Pesquisa Operacional para o Desenvolvimento 8 (2), 137-162, 2016
Modeling and MIP-heuristics for the general lotsizing and scheduling problem with process configuration selection
BEV Boas, VCB Camargo, R Morabito
Pesquisa Operacional 41 (spe), e200000, 2021
Um algoritmo evolutivo para o problema de dimensionamento de lotes em fundições de mercado
VCB Camargo
Dissertação (Mestrado)-Instituto de Ciências, 2009
Integrated lotsizing, scheduling and blending decisions in the spinning industry
VCB Camargo, B Almada-Lobo, FMB Toledo
Pesquisa Operacional 41 (spe), e233486, 2021
The reel allocation problem of a corrugated packaging company
M Ferreira, VCB Camargo, SA Araujo
Pesquisa Operacional 40, e229708, 2020
Um modelo para o problema de planejamento da produção de pedidos em fundições de pequeno porte
MGS Furtado, E Vergine, VCB Camargo, FMB Toledo
Annals of the 43rd Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1255-1262, 2011
Mathematical modeling to optimize production planning and scheduling in a small foundry with multiple alternating furnaces
MF Bertulucci, GA Alves, VCB Camargo
Gepros: Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas 16 (4), 82, 2021
Dimensionamento de lotes em fundições com múltiplos fornos não-simultâneos
VCB Camargo, D Navarenho
XLVIII SBPO Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2016
Dimensionamento de lotes em fundições de pequeno porte com múltiplos fornos
F Toledo, VCB Camargo, NPB Oliveira, VS Tonaki
Blucher Mathematical Proceedings 1 (1), 654-659, 2015
Otimização de processos na indústria têxtil: modelos e métodos de solução
VCB Camargo
Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
A surrogate-based heuristic for production planning problem of orders in small foundries
GA Alves, IP de Freitas, VCB Camargo
Computers & Operations Research 164, 106560, 2024
Locomotive maintenance scheduling: optimization approaches and a case study
P Munari, SA de Araujo, E Beker, VCB Camargo, R Campos, DY Hono, ...
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