Bambang Widjanarko Otok
Bambang Widjanarko Otok
在 statistika.its.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pemodelan chemical oxygen demand (cod) sungai di Surabaya dengan metode mixed geographically weighted regression
AK Lumaela, BW Otok, S Sutikno
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 2 (1), D100-D105, 2013
Pemodelan b-spline dan mars pada nilai ujian masuk terhadap IPK mahasiswa Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual UK. Petra Surabaya
IN Budiantara, F Suryadi, BW Otok, S Guritno
Jurnal Teknik Industri 8 (1), 1-13, 2006
Measurement model of service quality, regional tax regulations, taxpayer satisfaction level, behavior and compliance using confirmatory factor analysis
NR Hidayat, SR Handayani, BW Otok
World Applied Sciences Journal 29 (1), 56-61, 2014
Development of rainfall forecasting model in Indonesia by using ASTAR, transfer function, and ARIMA methods
BW Otok
European Journal of Scientific Research 38 (3), 386-395, 2009
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space for Penalized Regression Multi-Predictors: Case in Longitudinal Data
FAA Rinaldo, IN Budiantara, BW Otok, Suhartono
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 8 (40), 1951-1961, 2014
Spline estimator for bi-responses nonparametric regression model for longitudinal data
AAR Fernandes, IN Budiantara, BW Otok, L Suhartono
Applied Mathematical Sciences 8 (114), 5653-5665, 2014
Pemodelan Kemiskinan di Jawa Timur Dengan Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square
G Anuraga, BW Otok
Jurnal Statistika Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang 1 (2), 2013
Spline estimator for bi-responses and multi-predictors nonparametric regression model in case of longitudinal data
AAR Fernandes, IN Budiantara, BW Otok
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 11 (2), 61-69, 2015
Infrastructure development strategy for sustainable wastewater system by using SEM Method (Case study Setiabudi and Tebet Districts, South Jakarta)
E Setiawati, S Notodarmojo, P Soewondo, AJ Effendi, BW Otok
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 685-692, 2013
The regression curve estimation by using mixed smoothing spline and kernel (MsS-K) model
R Hidayat, IN Budiantara, BW Otok, V Ratnasari
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 50 (17), 3942-3953, 2021
Structural equation modeling in business performance through competitive advantage with information technology as moderating
AE Rumengan, J Rumengan, C Wibisono, BW Otok
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) 9 (10 …, 2018
Ensemble method based on anfis-arima for rainfall prediction
R Faulina, DA Lusia, BW Otok, H Kuswanto
2012 International Conference on Statistics in Science, Business and …, 2012
Structural equation modelling with three schemes estimation of score factors on partial least square (Case study: the quality of education level SMA/MA in Sumenep Regency)
A Anekawati, BW Otok
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 855 (1), 012006, 2017
Konsep Dasar dalam Pengumpulan dan Penyajian Data
BW Otok, DJ Ratnaningsih
Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2016
Pemodelan structural equation modeling (SEM) berbasis varians pada derajat kesehatan di provinsi jawa timur 2010
N Hidayat, BW Otok
Yogyakarta Fak. MIPA, Univ. Negeri Yogyakarta, 2012
Boosting neural network dan boosting cart pada klasifikasi diabetes militus tipe II
JW Fernanda, BW Otok
Jurnal Matematika 2 (2), 1693-1394, 2012
Moderating Partial Least Square To The Management Information System With Total Quality Management Of Study Program Performance
J Rumengan, C Wibisono, BW Otok
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 9 (9 …, 2018
Biresponses Nonparametric Regression Model Using MARS and its Properties
AP Ampulembang, BW Otok, AT Rumiati
Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 (29), 1417-1427, 2015
Pemodelan Kemiskinan di Propinsi Jawa Timur dengan Pendekatan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines Ensemble
W Pintowati, BW Otok
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), D283-D288, 2012
Meta-Analitycstructural Equation Modeling (Masem) Pada Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Di Pulau Jawa
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 51, 2014
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