Vasiliy Krasnikov
Vasiliy Krasnikov
Chelyabinsk State University
Dislocation based high-rate plasticity model and its application to plate-impact and ultra short electron irradiation simulations
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer, AP Yalovets
International Journal of Plasticity 27 (8), 1294-1308, 2011
Dynamics and kinetics of dislocations in Al and Al–Cu alloy under dynamic loading
AV Yanilkin, VS Krasnikov, AY Kuksin, AE Mayer
International Journal of Plasticity 55, 94-107, 2014
Plasticity driven growth of nanovoids and strength of aluminum at high rate tension: Molecular dynamics simulations and continuum modeling
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer
International Journal of Plasticity 74, 75-91, 2015
Plastic deformation under high-rate loading: The multiscale approach
VS Krasnikov, AY Kuksin, AE Mayer, AV Yanilkin
Physics of the Solid State 52, 1386-1396, 2010
Influence of local stresses on motion of edge dislocation in aluminum
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer
International Journal of Plasticity 101, 170-187, 2018
Dislocation dynamics in aluminum containing θ’phase: Atomistic simulation and continuum modeling
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer
International Journal of Plasticity 119, 21-42, 2019
Prediction of the shear strength of aluminum with θ phase inclusions based on precipitate statistics, dislocation and molecular dynamics
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer, VV Pogorelko
International Journal of Plasticity 128, 102672, 2020
Interaction of dislocation with GP zones or θ" phase precipitates in aluminum: Atomistic simulations and dislocation dynamics
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer, VV Pogorelko, FT Latypov, AA Ebel
International Journal of Plasticity 125, 169-190, 2020
Dislocation nucleation in Al single crystal at shear parallel to (111) plane: Molecular dynamics simulations and nucleation theory with artificial neural networks
AE Mayer, VS Krasnikov, VV Pogorelko
International Journal of Plasticity 139, 102953, 2021
The unique hybrid precipitate in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy
MR Gazizov, AO Boev, CD Marioara, SJ Andersen, R Holmestad, ...
Scripta Materialia 194, 113669, 2021
Prediction of shear strength of cluster-strengthened aluminum with multi-scale approach describing transition from cutting to bypass of precipitates by dislocations
EV Fomin, AE Mayer, VS Krasnikov
International Journal of Plasticity 146, 103095, 2021
Copper spall fracture under sub-nanosecond electron irradiation
AE Mayer, VS Krasnikov
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (6), 1306-1316, 2011
Dynamic compaction of aluminum with nanopores of varied shape: MD simulations and machine-learning-based approximation of deformation behavior
FT Latypov, EV Fomin, VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer
International Journal of Plasticity 156, 103363, 2022
Numerical investigation of the change of dislocation density and microhardness in surface layer of iron targets under the high power ion-and electron-beam treatment
VS Krasnikov, AE Mayer
Surface and Coatings Technology 212, 79-87, 2012
Пластическая деформация при высокоскоростном нагружении алюминия: многомасштабный подход
ВС Красников, АЮ Куксин, АЕ Майер, АВ Янилкин
Физика твердого тела 52 (7), 1295-1304, 2010
High-speed collision of copper nanoparticle with aluminum surface: Molecular dynamics simulation
VV Pogorelko, AE Mayer, VS Krasnikov
Applied Surface Science 390, 289-302, 2016
The deformation behavior of the {111} Al plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy
MR Gazizov, AN Belyakov, R Holmestad, MY Gazizova, VS Krasnikov, ...
Acta Materialia 243, 118534, 2023
Homogeneous nucleation of dislocations in copper: Theory and approximate description based on molecular dynamics and artificial neural networks
AE Mayer, VS Krasnikov, VV Pogorelko
Computational Materials Science 206, 111266, 2022
О механизмах сглаживания микрорельефа поверхности мишени при облучении интенсивным потоком заряженных частиц
ВС Красников, АЯ Лейви, АЕ Майер, АП Яловец
Журнал технической физики 77 (4), 41-49, 2007
Surface microrelief smoothing mechanisms in a target irradiated by an intense charged particle beam
VS Krasnikov, AY Leyvi, AE Mayer, AP Yalovets
Technical Physics 52, 431-439, 2007
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