Tamaghna Acharya
Tamaghna Acharya
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Indian Institute
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On optimal fuzzy c-means clustering for energy efficient cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
S Chatterjee, S Maity, T Acharya
Digital Signal Processing 49 (February 2016), 104-115, 2016
Quality of service in delay tolerant networks: A survey
A Roy, T Acharya, S DasBit
Computer Networks 130, 121-133, 2018
Energy-Spectrum Efficiency Trade-Off in Energy Harvesting Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
S Chatterjee, SP Maity, T Acharya
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 5 (2), 295-303, 2019
Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio System for Joint Spectrum Sensing and Data Transmission
S Chatterjee, S Maity, T Acharya
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 4 (3 …, 2014
Outage Analysis for SWIPT-Enabled Two-Way Cognitive Cooperative Communications
A Mukherjee, T Acharya, MRA Khandaker
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (9), 9032 - 9036, 2018
Energy efficiency in cooperative cognitive radio network in the presence of malicious users
S Chatterjee, SP Maity, T Acharya
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2197-2206, 2016
Distributed algorithm for power aware minimum connected dominating set for routing in wireless ad hoc network
T Acharya, R Roy
2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'05 …, 2005
Fuzzy C-means clustering in energy detection for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio system
S Chatterjee, A Banerjee, T Acharya, SP Maity
International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, 84-95, 2014
Non-orthogonal Multiple Access InspiredMulticasting in Cognitive Radio Networks
T Acharya, S Bhattacharjee, U Bhattacharya
IET Communications, Special issue on Recent advances in 5G communications 12 …, 2018
Social-based energy-aware multicasting in delay tolerant networks
SDB Animesh Roy, Soumit Bose, Tamaghna Acharya
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 87, 169–184, 2017
Cognitive radio based spectrum sharing models for multicasting in 5G cellular networks: A survey
S Bhattacharjee, T Acharya, U Bhattacharya
Computer Networks 208, 108870, 2022
ES-RSM-RSA: A novel energy and spectrum efficient regenerator aware multipath based survivable RSA in offline EON
J Halder, T Acharya, M Chatterjee, U Bhattacharya
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 5 (3), 1451-1466, 2021
Energy-aware virtual backbone tree for efficient routing in wireless sensor networks
T Acharya, S Chattopadhyay, R Roy
International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS'07), 96-96, 2007
On spectrum and energy efficient survivable multipath routing in off-line elastic optical network
J Halder, T Acharya, M Chatterjee, U Bhattacharya
Computer Communications 160, 375-387, 2020
On outage analysis in SWIPT enabled bidirectional D2D communications using spectrum sharing in cellular networks
S Ghosh, T Acharya, SP Maity
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (9), 10167-10176, 2020
Route selection for interference minimization to primary users in cognitive radio ad hoc networks: A cross layer approach
TA Surajit Basak
Physical Communication 19, 118-132, 2016
Joint Power Allocation and Routing in Outage Constrained Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
TA S. Basak
Mobile Networks and Applications, Special issue on Green Communications and …, 2015
Maximum lifetime broadcast communications in cooperative multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks: centralized and distributed approaches
T Acharya, G Paul
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (6), 1667-1682, 2013
Multiple disjoint power aware minimum connected dominating sets for efficient routing in wireless ad hoc network
T Acharya, S Chattopadhyay, R Roy
2007 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2007
Outage analysis in two‐way communication with RF energy harvesting relay and co‐channel interference
S Ghosh, T Acharya, SP Maity
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 28 (12), e3233, 2017
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