Dr Ian A. Kusabs
Dr Ian A. Kusabs
Ian Kusabs PhD
Use of a traditional Maori harvesting method, the tau kōura, for monitoring kōura (freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops planifions) in Lake Rotoiti, North Island, New …
IA Kusabs, JM Quinn
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43 (3), 713-722, 2009
Māori oral traditions record and convey indigenous knowledge of marine and freshwater resources
H Whaanga, P Wehi, M Cox, T Roa, I Kusabs
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (4), 487-496, 2018
Diet and food resource partitioning in koaro, Galaxias brevipinnis (Günther), and juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson), in two Taupo streams …
IA Kusabs, S Swales
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 25 (3), 317-325, 1991
Effects of benthic substrate, nutrient enrichment and predatory fish on freshwater crayfish (kōura, Paranephrops planifrons) population characteristics in seven Te Arawa …
IA Kusabs, JM Quinn, DP Hamilton
Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (7), 631-643, 2015
Evaluation of a traditional Māori harvesting method for sampling kōura (freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops planifrons) and toi toi (bully, Gobiomorphus spp …
IA Kusabs, BJ Hicks, JM Quinn, WL Perry, H Whaanga
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (4), 603-625, 2018
Sustainable management of freshwater crayfish (kōura, Paranephrops Planifrons) in Te Arawa (Rotorua) lakes, north island, new Zealand
IA Kusabs, BJ Hicks, JM Quinn, DP Hamilton
Fisheries research 168, 35-46, 2015
Taonga and mahinga kai species of the Te Arawa lakes: A review of current knowledge–kakahi
N Phillips, S Parkyn, I Kusabs, D Roper
NIWA Client Report HAM 22, 2007
Kōura (Paranephrops planifrons) populations in the Te Arawa lakes: An ecological assessment using the traditional Māori tau kōura harvesting method and recommendations for …
IA Kusabs
University of Waikato, 2015
Taonga and mahinga kai species of the Te Arawa lakes: a review of current knowledge–kōura
S Parkyn, I Kusabs
NIWA Client Report: HAM2007-022. Hamilton, National Institute of Water and …, 2007
The biology and general ecology of the koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) in some tributary streams of Lake Taupo
IA Kusabs
The University of Waikato, 1989
Strategic evaluation of kōura populations in the upper Waikato River
SJ Clearwater, IA Kusabs, R Budd, E Bowman
NIWA Client Report HAM2014-086, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric …, 2014
Ohau Channel Diversion Wall: An Assessment of the Koura and Kakahi Populations in the Okere Arm and Lake Rotoiti
I Kusabs, W Emery
Environment Bay of Plenty, 2006
Kōura abundance and distribution in Lake Rotorua and potential effects of hypolimnetic dosing and sediment capping
I Kusabs, J Butterworth
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 2011
An ecological overview of the Puarenga stream with particular emphasis on cultural value
I Kusabs, WB Shaw
Environment Bay of Plenty, 2008
Ohau Channel diversion wall: Monitoring of kōura and kakahi populations in the Okere Arm and Lake Rotoiti
I Kusabs, W Emery, B Joe
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 2009
Impacts of forest harvesting on giant kokupu, Ngakaroa Stream, Omataroa Forest, Bay of Plenty
I Kusabs, C Mitchell
DOC Science Internal Series 199, 2005
The Effects of the Huntly Power Station on the Distribution of Resident Fish and Shrimps
I Kusabs, J Boubee, BL Chisnall
Waikato Fisheries Consultants, MAF Fisheries, 1990
Comparison of bathyscope and snorkelling methods for iwi monitoring of kākahi (Echyridella menziesi) populations in the shallow littorals of Lake Rotorua and Rotoiti
SH Nuri, IA Kusabs, IC Duggan
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (1), 98-106, 2022
Effects of a native New Zealand freshwater mussel on zooplankton assemblages, including non-native Daphnia: a mesocosm experiment
IC Duggan, AAC Pearson, IA Kusabs
Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (5), 709-717, 2020
Matahina Power Station elver catch and transfer programme 1996/97
J Boubee, D Lee, T Dean, I Kusabs
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