India: The emerging giant A Panagariya Oxford University Press, 2010 | 1231 | 2010 |
Lectures on International Trade JN Bhagwati MIT Press, 1998 | 1100 | 1998 |
The muddles over outsourcing J Bhagwati, A Panagariya, TN Srinivasan Journal of Economic perspectives 18 (4), 93-114, 2002 | 1083 | 2002 |
Preferential trade liberalization: the traditional theory and new developments A Panagariya Journal of Economic literature 38 (2), 287-331, 2000 | 898 | 2000 |
Preferential trading areas and multilateralism-strangers, friends, or foes J Bhagwati, A Panagariya Trading Blocs: Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Preferential Trade …, 1999 | 794 | 1999 |
New dimensions in regional integration J De Melo, A Panagariya Cambridge University Press, 1995 | 748 | 1995 |
Trading preferentially: Theory and policy J Bhagwati, D Greenaway, A Panagariya The Economic Journal 108 (449), 1128-1148, 1998 | 578 | 1998 |
The regionalism debate: an overview A Panagariya The World Economy 22 (4), 455-476, 1999 | 535 | 1999 |
Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for Other Developing Countries J Bhagwati Public Affairs, 2013 | 452 | 2013 |
India in the 1980s and the 1990s: A Triumph of Reforms A Panagariya India’s and China’s recent experience with reform and growth, 170-200, 2005 | 447 | 2005 |
The theory of preferential trade agreements: Historical evolution and current trends J Bhagwati, A Panagariya The American Economic Review 86 (2), 82-87, 1996 | 433 | 1996 |
The economics of preferential trade agreements J Bhagwati, A Panagariya < bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 1996 | 369 | 1996 |
Regulatory protectionism, developing nations, and a two-tier world trade system [with comments and discussion] RE Baldwin, J McLaren, A Panagariya Brookings trade forum, 237-293, 2000 | 357 | 2000 |
The new regionalism: a country perspective J De Melo, A Panagariya, D Rodrik World Bank Publications, 1992 | 344 | 1992 |
Trading blocs: Alternative approaches to analyzing preferential trade agreements JN Bhagwati, P Krishna, A Panagariya mit Press, 1999 | 312 | 1999 |
EU preferential trade arrangements and developing countries A Panagariya | 248 | 2002 |
E-commerce, WTO and developing countries A Panagariya, E CNUCED UN, 2000 | 237 | 2000 |
Growth and Reforms during 1980s and 1990s A Panagariya Economic and Political Weekly, 2581-2594, 2004 | 218 | 2004 |
A political-economy analysis of free trade areas and customs unions A Panagariya, R Findlay World Bank Publications, 1994 | 211 | 1994 |
The free trade area of the Americas: Good for Latin America? A Panagariya World Economy 19 (5), 1996 | 209 | 1996 |