Leonardo Casini
Leonardo Casini
professore di Geologia Strutturale, Università di Sassari
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Emplacement of the Arzachena Pluton (Corsica–Sardinia Batholith) and the geodynamics of incoming Pangaea
L Casini, S Cuccuru, M Maino, G Oggiano, M Tiepolo
Tectonophysics 544, 31-49, 2012
Evolution of the Corsica–Sardinia Batholith and late-orogenic shearing of the Variscides
L Casini, S Cuccuru, A Puccini, G Oggiano, P Rossi
Tectonophysics 646, 65-78, 2015
Early Permian 90° clockwise rotation of the Maures–Estérel–Corsica–Sardinia block confirmed by new palaeomagnetic data and followed by a Triassic 60° clockwise rotation
JB Edel, L Casini, G Oggiano, P Rossi, K Schulmann
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 405 (1), 333-361, 2014
Dating shallow thrusts with zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry—The shear heating connection
M Maino, L Casini, A Ceriani, A Decarlis, A Di Giulio, S Seno, M Setti, ...
Geology 43 (6), 495-498, 2015
Multifunzionalità e riforma della PAC
L Casini
Nuovo diritto agrario 1, 17-36, 2003
Late orogenic collapse and thermal doming in the northern Gondwana margin incorporated in the Variscan Chain: a case study from the Ozieri Metamorphic Complex, northern …
L Casini, G Oggiano
Gondwana research 13 (3), 396-406, 2008
A balanced foreland–hinterland deformation model for the Southern Variscan belt of Sardinia, Italy
L Casini, A Funedda, G Oggiano
Geological Journal 45 (5‐6), 634-649, 2010
The post-collisional late Variscan ferroan granites of southern Sardinia (Italy): Inferences for inhomogeneity of lower crust
AM Conte, S Cuccuru, M D'Antonio, S Naitza, G Oggiano, F Secchi, ...
Lithos 294, 263-282, 2017
Structural map of variscan northern Sardinia (Italy)
L Casini, S Cuccuru, M Maino, G Oggiano, A Puccini, P Rossi
Journal of maps 11 (1), 75-84, 2015
Stratigraphic, magmatic and structural features of Ordovician tectonics in Sardinia (Italy): a review
F Cocco, G Oggiano, A Funedda, A Loi, L Casini
Journal of Iberian Geology 44, 619-639, 2018
Structural and metallogenic map of late Variscan Arbus pluton (SW Sardinia, Italy)
S Cuccuru, S Naitza, F Secchi, A Puccini, L Casini, P Pavanetto, ...
Journal of Maps 12 (5), 860-865, 2016
Can weathering improve the toughness of a fractured rock? A case study using the San Giacomo granite
S Cuccuru, L Casini, G Oggiano, GP Cherchi
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 71, 557-567, 2012
Ordovician tectonics of the South European Variscan Realm: new insights from Sardinia
F Cocco, A Loi, A Funedda, L Casini, JF Ghienne, GL Pillola, M Vidal, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 112 (1), 321-344, 2023
Radiological characterization of granitoid outcrops and dimension stones of the Variscan Corsica-Sardinia Batholith
A Puccini, G Xhixha, S Cuccuru, G Oggiano, MK Xhixha, F Mantovani, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 71, 393-405, 2014
GEOTHERM: A finite difference code for testing metamorphic P–T–t paths and tectonic models
L Casini, A Puccini, S Cuccuru, M Maino, G Oggiano
Computers & Geosciences 59, 171-180, 2013
A MATLAB-derived software (geothermMOD1. 2) for one-dimensional thermal modeling, and its application to the Corsica-Sardinia batholith
L Casini
Computers & Geosciences 45, 82-86, 2012
Long lived dextral strike-slip tectonics in the southern Variscan Belt: evidence from two syn-kynematic intrusions in north Sardinia
G Oggiano, L Casini, P Mameli, P Rossi
Geologie de la France 2, 142, 2007
Luminescence dating of Late Pleistocene faults as evidence of uplift and active tectonics in Sardinia, W Mediterranean
L Casini, S Andreucci, D Sechi, CY Huang, CC Shen, V Pascucci
Terra Nova 32 (4), 261-271, 2020
Potential of pressure solution for strain localization in the Baccu Locci Shear Zone (Sardinia, Italy)
L Casini, A Funedda
Journal of Structural Geology 66, 188-204, 2014
Riforma della PAC e multifunzionalità: l'agricoltura tra nuove sfide e nuove opportunità
L Casini, C Cavallini, G Dono, VA Gallerani, F Marangon, G Palladino, ...
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