Barbara Loeding
Handling movement epenthesis and hand segmentation ambiguities in continuous sign language recognition using nested dynamic programming
R Yang, S Sarkar, B Loeding
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (3), 462-477, 2009
Enhanced level building algorithm for the movement epenthesis problem in sign language recognition
R Yang, S Sarkar, B Loeding
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007
Automated extraction of signs from continuous language sentences using iterated conditional modes.
B Nayak, S., Sarkar, S, & Loeding
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (5), 795-810, 2012
Distance learning planning, preparation, and presentation: Instructors' perspectives
BL Loeding, M Wynn
International Journal of Instructional Media 26 (2), 181, 1999
Progress in automated computer recognition of sign language
BL Loeding, S Sarkar, A Parashar, AI Karshmer
International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons, 1079-1087, 2004
Distribution-based dimensionality reduction applied to articulated motion recognition
S Nayak, S Sarkar, B Loeding
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (5), 795-810, 2008
Role of iconicity in sign acquisition: A response to Orlansky and Bonvillian (1984)
LL Lloyd, B Loeding, JE Doherty
Journal of speech and hearing disorders 50 (3), 299-301, 1985
Unsupervised modeling of signs embedded in continuous sentences
S Nayak, S Sarkar, B Loeding
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Finding recurrent patterns from continuous sign language sentences for automated extraction of signs
S Nayak, K Duncan, S Sarkar, B Loeding
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (1), 2589-2615, 2012
A “Working Party” approach to planning in-service training in manual signs for an entire public school staff
B Loeding, C Zangari, L Lloyd
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 6 (1), 38-49, 1990
Segmentation-robust representations, matching, and modeling for sign language
S Sarkar, B Loeding, R Yang, S Nayak, A Parashar
CVPR 2011 WORKSHOPS, 13-19, 2011
Fusion of manual and non-manual information in american sign language recognition
S Sarkar, B Loeding, AS Parashar
Handbook of pattern recognition and computer vision, 477-495, 2010
Efficient generation of large amounts of training data for sign language recognition: A semi-automatic tool
R Yang, S Sarkar, B Loeding, A Karshmer
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 10th International Conference …, 2006
The development of SHIPS: An interactive videodisc assessment for youth who use sign language
BL Loeding, JB Crittenden
Exceptional children 61 (2), 148, 1994
The use of educational technology and assistive devices in special education
BL Loeding
Rethinking professional issues in special education: Contemporary studies in …, 2002
Relationship between self-ratings by sensory impaired students and teachers’ ratings of generalizable skills
BL Loeding, JP Greenan
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 93 (11), 716-727, 1999
Voice activated display of American Sign Language for airport security
G Lancaster, K Alkoby, J Campen, R Carter, MJ Davidson, D Ethridge, ...
Reliability and validity of generalizable skills instruments for students who are deaf, blind, or visually impaired
BL Loeding, JP Greenan
American Annals of the Deaf, 392-403, 1998
Inclusion of children and youth who are hearing impaired and deaf in outcomes assessment
BL Loeding, JB Crittenden
Views on inclusion and testing accommodations for students with disabilities …, 1993
Finding Recurrent Patterns from Continuous Sign Language Sentences for Automated Extraction of Signs
S Nayak, K Duncan, S Sarkar, B Loeding
Gesture Recognition, 203-230, 2017
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