Lei Zhu
Lei Zhu
Associate Professor, Hunan Agricultural University
在 hunau.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
C Zhang, Y Lin, L Zhu, A Liu, Z Zhang, F Huang
Pattern Recognition Letters 123, 82-88, 2019
Hcmsl: Hybrid cross-modal similarity learning for cross-modal retrieval
C Zhang, J Song, X Zhu, L Zhu, S Zhang
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2021
Multi-graph heterogeneous interaction fusion for social recommendation
C Zhang, Y Wang, L Zhu, J Song, H Yin
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 40 (2), 1-26, 2021
TDHPPIR: An efficient deep hashing based privacy-preserving image retrieval method
C Zhang, L Zhu, S Zhang, W Yu
Neurocomputing 406, 386-398, 2020
PAC-GAN: An effective pose augmentation scheme for unsupervised cross-view person re-identification
C Zhang, L Zhu, SC Zhang, W Yu
Neurocomputing 387, 22-39, 2020
NSDH: A nonlinear supervised discrete hashing framework for large-scale cross-modal retrieval
Z Yang, L Yang, OI Raymond, L Zhu, W Huang, Z Liao, J Long
Knowledge-Based Systems 217, 106818, 2021
Adversarial learning-based semantic correlation representation for cross-modal retrieval
L Zhu, J Song, X Zhu, C Zhang, S Zhang, X Yuan
IEEE MultiMedia 27 (4), 79-90, 2020
Relation classification via knowledge graph enhanced transformer encoder
W Huang, Y Mao, Z Yang, L Zhu, J Long
Knowledge-Based Systems 206, 106321, 2020
Hierarchical information quadtree: efficient spatial temporal image search for multimedia stream
C Zhang, R Chen, L Zhu, A Liu, Y Lin, F Huang
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 30561-30583, 2019
Nonlinear robust discrete hashing for cross-modal retrieval
Z Yang, J Long, L Zhu, W Huang
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
Multi-graph based hierarchical semantic fusion for cross-modal representation
L Zhu, C Zhang, J Song, L Liu, S Zhang, Y Li
2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2021
DAPCMH: Deep Adversarial Privacy-Preserving Cross-Modal Hashing
L Zhu, J Song, Z Yang, W Huang, C Zhang, W Yu
Neural Processing Letters 54 (4), 2549-2569, 2022
MSSPQ: multiple semantic structure-preserving quantization for cross-modal retrieval
L Zhu, L Cai, J Song, X Zhu, C Zhang, S Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval …, 2022
CAESAR: concept augmentation based semantic representation for cross-modal retrieval
L Zhu, J Song, X Wei, H Yu, J Long
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-31, 2022
Deep multigraph hierarchical enhanced semantic representation for cross-modal retrieval
L Zhu, C Zhang, J Song, S Zhang, C Tian, X Zhu
IEEE MultiMedia 29 (3), 17-26, 2022
M2guda: Multi-metrics graph-based unsupervised domain adaptation for cross-modal Hashing
C Zhang, Z Zhong, L Zhu, S Zhang, D Cao, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval …, 2021
Scalable deep asymmetric hashing via unequal-dimensional embeddings for image similarity search
Z Yang, OI Raymond, W Huang, Z Liao, L Zhu, J Long
Neurocomputing 412, 262-275, 2020
Efficient region of visual interests search for geo-multimedia data
C Zhang, Y Lin, L Zhu, Z Zhang, Y Tang, F Huang
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 30839-30863, 2019
Da-gan: Dual attention generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
L Cai, L Zhu, H Zhang, X Zhu
Future Internet 14 (2), 43, 2022
Efficient continuous top-k geo-image search on road network
C Zhang, K Cheng, L Zhu, R Chen, Z Zhang, F Huang
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 30809-30838, 2019
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