Vortex methods: theory and practice GH Cottet, PD Koumoutsakos Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 1721 | 2000 |
A vortex level set method for the two-way coupling of an incompressible fluid with colliding rigid bodies M Coquerelle, GH Cottet Journal of Computational Physics 227 (21), 9121-9137, 2008 | 218 | 2008 |
Image processing through reaction combined with nonlinear diffusion GH Cottet, L Germain mathematics of computation, 659-673, 1993 | 212 | 1993 |
Advances in direct numerical simulations of 3D wall-bounded flows by vortex-in-cell methods GH Cottet, P Poncet Journal of computational physics 193 (1), 136-158, 2004 | 188 | 2004 |
Eulerian formulation and level set models for incompressible fluid-structure interaction GH Cottet, E Maitre, T Milcent ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 42 (3), 471-492, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
Particle methods for the one-dimensional Vlasov–Poisson equations GH Cottet, PA Raviart SIAM journal on numerical analysis 21 (1), 52-76, 1984 | 167 | 1984 |
A level set method for fluid-structure interactions with immersed surfaces GH Cottet, E Maitre Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 16 (3), 415-438, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
GPU accelerated simulations of bluff body flows using vortex particle methods D Rossinelli, M Bergdorf, GH Cottet, P Koumoutsakos Journal of Computational Physics 229 (9), 3316-3333, 2010 | 154 | 2010 |
A comparison of spectral and vortex methods in three-dimensional incompressible flows GH Cottet, B Michaux, S Ossia, G VanderLinden Journal of Computational Physics 175 (2), 702-712, 2002 | 134 | 2002 |
Blending finite-difference and vortex methods for incompressible flow computations ML Ould-Salihi, GH Cottet, M El Hamraoui SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 22 (5), 1655-1674, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |
Vortex methods with spatially varying cores GH Cottet, P Koumoutsakos, MLO Salihi Journal of Computational Physics 162 (1), 164-185, 2000 | 118 | 2000 |
A Volterra type model for image processing GH Cottet, ME Ayyadi IEEE transactions on image processing 7 (3), 292-303, 1998 | 112 | 1998 |
Multilevel adaptive particle methods for convection-diffusion equations M Bergdorf, GH Cottet, P Koumoutsakos Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 (1), 328-357, 2005 | 102 | 2005 |
A particle method to solve the Navier-Stokes system GH Cottet, S Mas-Gallic Numerische Mathematik 57, 805-827, 1990 | 98 | 1990 |
A level-set formulation of immersed boundary methods for fluid–structure interaction problems GH Cottet, E Maitre Comptes Rendus Mathematique 338 (7), 581-586, 2004 | 92 | 2004 |
Artificial viscosity models for vortex and particle methods GH Cottet Journal of Computational Physics 127 (2), 299-308, 1996 | 88 | 1996 |
Équations de Navier-Stokes dans le plan avec tourbillon initial mesure GH Cottet Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 303 (4 …, 1986 | 74 | 1986 |
Applications of level set methods in computational biophysics E Maitre, T Milcent, GH Cottet, A Raoult, Y Usson Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (11-12), 2161-2169, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
High order semi-Lagrangian particle methods for transport equations: numerical analysis and implementation issues GH Cottet, JM Etancelin, F Pérignon, C Picard ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 48 (4), 1029-1060, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Accurate, non-oscillatory, remeshing schemes for particle methods A Magni, GH Cottet Journal of Computational Physics 231 (1), 152-172, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |