Marisa Roberto
Marisa Roberto
在 ita.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Fractal structures in nonlinear plasma physics
RL Viana, EC Da Silva, T Kroetz, IL Caldas, M Roberto, MAF Sanjuán
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2011
On the formation and annihilation of the singlet molecular metastables in an oxygen discharge
DA Toneli, RS Pessoa, M Roberto, JT Gudmundsson
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (32), 325202, 2015
Influence of metastable atoms in radio-frequency argon discharges
M Roberto, HB Smith, JP Verboncoeur
IEEE transactions on plasma science 31 (6), 1292-1298, 2003
Magnetic trapping caused by resonant perturbations in tokamaks with reversed magnetic shear
M Roberto, EC da Silva, IL Caldas, RL Viana
Physics of Plasmas 11 (1), 214-225, 2004
Escape patterns of chaotic magnetic field lines in a tokamak with reversed magnetic shear and an ergodic limiter
T Kroetz, M Roberto, EC da Silva, IL Caldas, RL Viana
Physics of Plasmas 15 (9), 2008
Global model simulations of low-pressure oxygen discharges
G Roberson, M Roberto, J Verboncoeur, P Verdonck
Brazilian journal of physics 37, 457-465, 2007
Shearless transport barriers in magnetically confined plasmas
IL Caldas, RL Viana, CV Abud, JCD Fonseca, ZO Guimarães Filho, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54 (12), 124035, 2012
Nontwist symplectic maps in tokamaks
IL Caldas, RL Viana, JD Szezech Jr, JSE Portela, J Fonseca, M Roberto, ...
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (5), 2021-2030, 2012
Chaotic transport in reversed shear tokamaks
FA Marcus, T Kroetz, M Roberto, IL Caldas, EC Da Silva, RL Viana, ...
Nuclear fusion 48 (2), 024018, 2008
A volume averaged global model study of the influence of the electron energy distribution and the wall material on an oxygen discharge
DA Toneli, RS Pessoa, M Roberto, JT Gudmundsson
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (49), 495203, 2015
Integrable maps with non-trivial topology: application to divertor configurations
T Kroetz, M Roberto, IL Caldas, RL Viana, PJ Morrison, P Abbamonte
Nuclear fusion 50 (3), 034003, 2010
'Natural elongation'of spherical tokamaks
M Roberto, RMO Galvao
Nuclear fusion 32 (9), 1666, 1992
A global model study of low pressure high density CF4 discharge
DA Toneli, RS Pessoa, M Roberto, JT Gudmundsson
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (2), 025007, 2019
Transport control in fusion plasmas by changing electric and magnetic field spatial profiles
T Kroetz, FA Marcus, M Roberto, IL Caldas, RL Viana, EC da Silva
Computer Physics Communications 180 (4), 642-650, 2009
Onset of internal transport barriers in tokamaks
LA Osorio, M Roberto, IL Caldas, RL Viana, Y Elskens
Physics of Plasmas 28 (8), 2021
Divertor map with freedom of geometry and safety factor profile
T Kroetz, M Roberto, IL Caldas, RL Viana, PJ Morrison
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54 (4), 045007, 2012
Effects of X2-class solar flare events on ionospheric GPS-TEC and radio waves over Brazilian sector
AJ de Abreu, M Roberto, MA Alves, JR Abalde, PAB Nogueira, ...
Advances in Space Research 63 (11), 3586-3605, 2019
Plasma confinement in tokamaks with robust torus
CGL Martins, RE De Carvalho, IL Caldas, M Roberto
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (5), 957-962, 2011
Influence of the radial electric field on the shearless transport barriers in tokamaks
FA Marcus, M Roberto, IL Caldas, KC Rosalem, Y Elskens
Physics of Plasmas 26 (2), 2019
Analytical solutions for Tokamak equilibria with reversed toroidal current
CGL Martins, M Roberto, IL Caldas, FL Braga
Physics of Plasmas 18 (8), 2011
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