KOH Tieh Yong
KOH Tieh Yong
Singapore University of Social Sciences
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Hyperbolic lines and the stratospheric polar vortex
TY Koh, B Legras
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 12 (2), 382-394, 2002
A multi‐resolution ensemble study of a tropical urban environment and its interactions with the background regional atmosphere
XX Li, TY Koh, D Entekhabi, M Roth, J Panda, LK Norford
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (17), 9804-9818, 2013
Large-eddy simulation of flow and pollutant transport in urban street canyons with ground heating
XX Li, RE Britter, TY Koh, LK Norford, CH Liu, D Entekhabi, DYC Leung
Boundary-layer meteorology 137, 187-204, 2010
Flow and pollutant transport in urban street canyons of different aspect ratios with ground heating: large-eddy simulation
XX Li, RE Britter, LK Norford, TY Koh, D Entekhabi
Boundary-layer meteorology 142, 289-304, 2012
Impact of urbanization patterns on the local climate of a tropical city, Singapore: An ensemble study
XX Li, TY Koh, J Panda, LK Norford
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (9), 4386-4403, 2016
The maritime continent monsoon
AW Robertson, V Moron, JH Qian, CP Chang, F Tangang, E Aldrian, ...
The global monsoon system: research and forecast, 85-98, 2011
Principal component analysis of observed and modeled diurnal rainfall in the Maritime Continent
CK Teo, TY Koh, J Chun-Fung Lo, B Chandra Bhatt
Journal of Climate 24 (17), 4662-4675, 2011
Borneo vortex and mesoscale convective rainfall
S Koseki, TY Koh, CK Teo
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (9), 4539-4562, 2014
Sea breeze simulation over the Malay Peninsula in an intermonsoon period
B Joseph, BC Bhatt, TY Koh, S Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D20), 2008
Improved simulation of precipitation in the tropics using a modified BMJ scheme in the WRF model
RM Fonseca, T Zhang, KT Yong
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (9), 2915-2928, 2015
Effects of the cold tongue in the South China Sea on the monsoon, diurnal cycle and rainfall in the Maritime Continent
S Koseki, TY Koh, CK Teo
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (675), 1566-1582, 2013
A diagnostic suite to assess NWP performance
TY Koh, S Wang, BC Bhatt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D13), 2012
The relative importance of the wind-driven and tidal circulations in Malacca Strait
H Chen, P Malanotte-Rizzoli, TY Koh, G Song
Continental Shelf Research 88, 92-102, 2014
Lobe dynamics applied to barotropic Rossby-wave breaking
TY Koh, RA Plumb
Physics of Fluids 12 (6), 1518-1528, 2000
Isentropic zonal average formalism and the near‐surface circulation
TY Koh, RA Plumb
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2004
Improved diagnostics for NWP verification in the tropics
TY Koh, JS Ng
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D12), 2009
Statistical evidence for asymmetry in ENSO–IOD interactions
RK Lestari, TY Koh
Atmosphere-Ocean 54 (5), 498-504, 2016
Toward a mesoscale observation network in Southeast Asia
TY Koh, CK Teo
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (4), 481-488, 2009
Subgrid‐scale cloud–radiation feedback for the B etts–M iller–J anjić convection scheme
TY Koh, R Fonseca
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (695), 989-1006, 2016
Multi-scale interactions in a high-resolution tropical-belt experiment and observations
R Fonseca, TY Koh, CK Teo
Climate dynamics 52 (5), 3503-3532, 2019
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