Andre Zular
Andre Zular
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Tropical South Atlantic influence on Northeastern Brazil precipitation and ITCZ displacement during the past 2300 years
G Utida, FW Cruz, J Etourneau, I Bouloubassi, E Schefuß, M Vuille, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1698, 2019
Late Holocene intensification of colds fronts in southern Brazil as indicated by dune development and provenance changes in the São Francisco do Sul coastal barrier
A Zular, AO Sawakuchi, CCF Guedes, VR Mendes, DR Nascimento Jr, ...
Marine Geology 335, 64-77, 2013
Patterns and processes of diversification in Amazonian white sand ecosystems: insights from birds and plants
JMG Capurucho, SH Borges, C Cornelius, A Vicentini, EMB Prata, ...
Neotropical diversification: patterns and processes, 245-270, 2020
The role of abrupt climate change in the formation of an open vegetation enclave in northern Amazonia during the late Quaternary
A Zular, AO Sawakuchi, CM Chiessi, FM d’Horta, FW Cruz, JAM Demattê, ...
Global and planetary change 172, 140-149, 2019
Attaining provenance proxies from OSL and TL sensitivities: Coupling with grain size and heavy minerals data from southern Brazilian coastal sediments
A Zular, AO Sawakuchi, CCF Guedes, PCF Giannini
Radiation Measurements 81, 39-45, 2015
Optically stimulated luminescence and isothermal thermoluminescence dating of high sensitivity and well bleached quartz from Brazilian sediments: from Late Holocene to beyond …
AO Sawakuchi, VR Mendes, FN Pupim, TD Mineli, LMAL Ribeiro, A Zular, ...
Brazilian Journal of Geology 46 (Suppl 01), 209-226, 2016
The effects of mid-Holocene fluvio-eolian interplay and coastal dynamics on the formation of dune-dammed lakes in NE Brazil
A Zular, G Utida, FW Cruz, AO Sawakuchi, H Wang, M Bícego, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 196, 137-153, 2018
Expansion of eastern Mediterranean Middle Paleolithic into the desert region in early marine isotopic stage 5
O Barzilai, M Oron, N Porat, D White, R Timms, S Blockley, A Zular, Y Avni, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4466, 2022
Sedimentologia e cronologia por luminescência da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul (SC): considerações sobre a evolução holocênica de barreiras arenosas da costa sul e sudeste do Brasil
A Zular
Universidade de São Paulo, 2011
The response of a dune succession from Lençóis Maranhenses, NE Brazil, to climate changes between MIS 3 and MIS 2
A Zular, AO Sawakuchi, H Wang, CCF Guedes, GA Hartmann, PF Jaqueto, ...
Quaternary international 537, 97-111, 2020
Morfodinâmica de sistemas eólicos costeiros: um modelo baseado em exemplos do Holocénico brasileiro e seu potencial interpretatico
PCF Giannini, AO Sawakuchi, VR Mendes, A Zular, HAA Andrade, ...
Comunicaçoes geológicas 101, 681-685, 2014
Geomorphological analysis of coastal depositional systems in SE Brazil aided by Google Earth coupled with the integration of chronological and sedimentological data by means of …
A Zular, CCF Guedes, VR Mendes, AO Sawakuchi, PCF Giannini, ...
Geological Society of America Special Paper 492, 113-125, 2012
Classificação e dinâmica de feições eólicas costeiras: um modelo sistêmico baseado em exemplos brasileiros
PCF Giannini, AO Sawakuchi, CT Martinho, CCF Guedes, ...
Anais do Congresso da ABEQUA 2011, 2011
Variações da zona de convergência intertropical e do nível relativo do mar durante o Quaternário tardio registradas em depósitos eólicos do Nordeste e Norte do Brasil
A Zular
Universidade de São Paulo, 2016
The Quaternary aeolian record from Lençóis Maranhenses, Northeast Brazil
CCF Guedes, PCF Giannini, AO Sawakuchi, A Zular
Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Congress of Sedimentology, 116, 2013
Changes in provenance recorded by OSL sensitivity of quartz, heavy minerals and grain-‐size data: A SE Brazil coastal barrier case
A Zular, AO Sawakuchi, CCF Guedes, VR Mendes, DRN Jr, PCF Giannini
Mar. Geol. 335, 64-77, 2013
A sedimentological record of MIS 5e in the Negev Desert, Israel: coupling data from heavy minerals with optically stimulation luminescence sensitivity and hyperspectral …
A Zular, VAP Aguiar, PCF Giannini, N Porat, E Boaretto
The search of a provenance proxy of the sediments from marine core geog 6211-2 using grain texture and luminescence methods
A Zular, PCF Giannini
Searching for the provenance of sediments from marine cores using mineralogical and luminescence proprieties of terrigenous grains
A Zular, PCF Giannini
The effects if nud-holocene fkyvui-eolian interplay in the Formation of the Boqueirão lake, NE Brazil
G Utida, A Zular, FW Cruz, AO Sawakuchi, H Wang, MC Bícego, ...
Anais, 2017
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