Exploration and exploitation alliances in biotechnology: A system of new product development FT Rothaermel, DL Deeds Strategic Management Journal 25 (3), 201-221, 2004 | 2725 | 2004 |
University entrepreneurship: a taxonomy of the literature FT Rothaermel, SD Agung, L Jiang Industrial and Corporate Change 16 (4), 691-791, 2007 | 2373 | 2007 |
The performance of incumbent firms in the face of radical technological innovation CWL Hill, FT Rothaermel Academy of Management Review 28 (2), 257-274, 2003 | 1747 | 2003 |
Strategic Management, 6e FT Rothaermel McGraw-Hill Education, 2023 | 1685* | 2023 |
Incumbent's advantage through exploiting complementary assets via interfirm cooperation FT Rothaermel Strategic management journal 22 (6‐7), 687-699, 2001 | 1548 | 2001 |
Building dynamic capabilities: Innovation driven by individual-, firm-, and network-level effects FT Rothaermel, AM Hess Organization science 18 (6), 898-921, 2007 | 1492 | 2007 |
Ambidexterity in technology sourcing: The moderating role of absorptive capacity FT Rothaermel, MT Alexandre Organization science 20 (4), 759-780, 2009 | 1294 | 2009 |
The effect of general and partner-specific alliance experience on joint R&D project performance H Hoang, FT Rothaermel Academy of Management Journal 48 (2), 332-345, 2005 | 1179 | 2005 |
Alliance type, alliance experience and alliance management capability in high-technology ventures FT Rothaermel, DL Deeds Journal of business venturing 21 (4), 429-460, 2006 | 1058 | 2006 |
Virtual internet communities and commercial success: individual and community-level theory grounded in the atypical case of TimeZone. com FT Rothaermel, S Sugiyama Journal of management 27 (3), 297-312, 2001 | 736 | 2001 |
When are assets complementary? Star scientists, strategic alliances, and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry AM Hess, FT Rothaermel Strategic management journal 32 (8), 895-909, 2011 | 712 | 2011 |
Old technology meets new technology: Complementarities, similarities, and alliance formation FT Rothaermel, W Boeker Strategic management journal 29 (1), 47-77, 2008 | 712 | 2008 |
Balancing vertical integration and strategic outsourcing: effects on product portfolio, product success, and firm performance FT Rothaermel, MA Hitt, LA Jobe Strategic management journal 27 (11), 1033-1056, 2006 | 674 | 2006 |
Leveraging internal and external experience: exploration, exploitation, and R&D project performance HA Hoang, FT Rothaermel Strategic management journal 31 (7), 734-758, 2010 | 673 | 2010 |
Complementary assets, strategic alliances, and the incumbent’s advantage: an empirical study of industry and firm effects in the biopharmaceutical industry FT Rothaermel Research policy 30 (8), 1235-1251, 2001 | 665 | 2001 |
University–incubator firm knowledge flows: assessing their impact on incubator firm performance FT Rothaermel, M Thursby Research policy 34 (3), 305-320, 2005 | 646 | 2005 |
Incubator firm failure or graduation?: The role of university linkages FT Rothaermel, M Thursby Research policy 34 (7), 1076-1090, 2005 | 578 | 2005 |
Technological discontinuities and complementary assets: A longitudinal study of industry and firm performance FT Rothaermel, CWL Hill Organization Science 16 (1), 52-70, 2005 | 478 | 2005 |
Assets and actions: Firm-specific factors in the internationalization of US Internet firms S Kotha, VP Rindova, FT Rothaermel Journal of International Business Studies 32, 769-791, 2001 | 409 | 2001 |
Unpacking the disruption process: New technology, business models, and incumbent adaptation A Cozzolino, G Verona, FT Rothaermel Journal of Management Studies 55 (7), 1166-1202, 2018 | 360 | 2018 |