Marine polychaete worms of the New England region. I. Aphroditidae through Trochochaetidae MH Pettibone Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 1963 | 643 | 1963 |
Annelida MH Pettibone Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms, Volume 2, 1982 | 162 | 1982 |
Marine polychaete worms from Point Barrow, Alaska, with additional records from the North Atlantic and North Pacific MH Pettibone Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1954 | 160 | 1954 |
Polychaeta errantia of the Siboga Expedition R Horst EJ Brill, 1912 | 99 | 1912 |
Revision of some species referred to Leptonereis, Nicon, and Laeonereis (Polychaeta: Nereididae) MH Pettibone | 95 | 1971 |
Polychaeta erranta of the Siboga expedition 4: Some additional Polychetes of the Polynoidae, Hesionidae, Nereidae, Goniadidae, Eunicidae, and Onuphidae, selected as new species … MH Pettibone, H Augener EJ Brill, 1970 | 85 | 1970 |
Revision of the Pilargidae (Annelida: Polychaeta), including descriptions of new species, and redescriptions of the pelagic Podarmus ploa Chamberlain (Polynoidae) MH Pettibone Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1966 | 82 | 1966 |
Some scale-bearing polychaetes of Puget Sound and adjacent waters MH Pettibone (No Title), 1953 | 79 | 1953 |
Scaled polychaetes (Polynoidae) associated with ophiuroids and other invertebrates and review of species referred to Malmgrenia McIntosh and replaced by Malmgreniella Hartman … MH Pettibone | 73 | 1993 |
Revision of some genera of polychaete worms of the family Spionidae, including the description of a new species of Scolelepis MH Pettibone Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 76, 89-104, 1963 | 67 | 1963 |
A new scale-worm commensal with deep-sea mussels on the Galapagos hydrothermal vent (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) MH Pettibone Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97, 226-239, 1984 | 62 | 1984 |
Revision of the aphroditoid polychaetes of the family Acoetidae Kinberg (=Polyodontidae Augener) and reestablishment of Acoetes Audouin and Milne-Edwards, 1832, and … MH Pettibone | 60 | 1989 |
Revision of the genus Macellicephala McIntosh and the subfamily Macellicephalinae Hartmann-SchrAder (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) MH Pettibone | 58 | 1976 |
New species of polychaete worms from the Atlantic Ocean, with a revision of the Dorvilleidae MH Pettibone Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 74 (19), 167-186, 1961 | 57 | 1961 |
Contribution to the polychaete family Pholoidae Kinberg MH Pettibone | 53 | 1992 |
A new scale-worm commensal with deep-sea mussels in the seep-sites at the Florida Escarpment in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Branchipolynoinae) MH Pettibone Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 1986 | 51 | 1986 |
Review of the Iphioninae (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) and revision of Iphione cimex Quatrefages, Gattyana deludens Fauvel and Harmothoe iphionelloides Johnson (Harmothoinae) MH Pettibone | 50 | 1986 |
Additional branchiate scale-worms (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from Galapagos hydrothermal vent and rift-area off western Mexico at 21 N MH Pettibone Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 1985 | 49 | 1985 |
Partial revision of the genus Sthenelais Kinberg (Polychaeta: Sigalionidae) with diagnoses of two new genera MH Pettibone | 48 | 1971 |
Fresh-water polychaetous annelid, Manayunkia speciosa Leidy, from Lake Erie MH Pettibone The Biological Bulletin 105 (1), 149-153, 1953 | 47 | 1953 |