Federica Pascucci
Federica Pascucci
Associate professor of Marketing
在 univpm.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Advancing social media driven sales research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling
C Ancillai, H Terho, S Cardinali, F Pascucci
Industrial Marketing Management 82, 293-308, 2019
Inter‐firm R&D collaborations and green innovation value: The role of family firms' involvement and the moderating effects of proximity dimensions
L Ardito, A Messeni Petruzzelli, F Pascucci, E Peruffo
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (1), 185-197, 2019
Towards designing society 5.0 solutions: The new Quintuple Helix-Design Thinking approach to technology
S Bartoloni, E Calò, L Marinelli, F Pascucci, L Dezi, E Carayannis, ...
Technovation 113, 102413, 2022
How digital technologies reshape marketing: evidence from a qualitative investigation
F Pascucci, E Savelli, G Gistri
Italian Journal of Marketing, 1-32, 2023
The export competitiveness of Italian coffee roasting industry
F Pascucci
British food journal, 2018
Export market orientation and international performance in the context of SMEs
F Pascucci, S Bartoloni, GL Gregori
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 28 (5), 361-375, 2016
Exploring antecedents of social media usage in B2B: a systematic review
F Pascucci, C Ancillai, S Cardinali
Management Research Review, 2018
Il digital marketing come fattore competitivo
GL Gregori, F Pascucci
Verso un approccio integrato “strumenti” e “strategia, 2019
Strategie di Marketing Online per il vantaggio competitivo aziendale
F Pascucci
Società Editrice Esculapio, 2013
Trasformazione digitale e sviluppo delle PMI: approcci strategici e strumenti operativi
F Pascucci, V Temperini
G. Giappichelli Editore, 2017
Family ownership and the export performance of SMEs: the moderating role of financial constraints and flexibility
F Pascucci, O Domenichelli, E Peruffo, GL Gregori
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 29 (4), 602-626, 2022
Genesis of an innovation-based entrepreneurial ecosystem: exploring the role of intellectual capital
L Marinelli, S Bartoloni, F Pascucci, GL Gregori, MF Briamonte
Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2022
Internet adoption and usage: evidence from Italian micro enterprises
F Pascucci, S Cardinali, C Gigliarano, GL Gregori
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 30 (2), 259-280, 2017
Do connoisseur consumers care about sustainability? Exploring coffee consumption practices through netnography
S Bartoloni, B Ietto, F Pascucci
British Food Journal 124 (13), 305-321, 2022
Il ritorno alla competitività dell'espresso italiano. Situazione attuale e prospettive future per le imprese della torrefazione di caffè: Situazione attuale e prospettive …
M Giuli, F Pascucci
FrancoAngeli, 2014
Responsabilità sociale e questione etica nell’impresa: alcune riflessioni
F Pascucci
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 133-150, 2012
Combining sell-out data with shopper behaviour data for category performance measurement: The role of category conversion power
F Pascucci, L Nardi, L Marinelli, M Paolanti, E Frontoni, GL Gregori
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 65, 102880, 2022
Are SMEs' cutting corners' on social media marketing? An exploratory study in the Italian context
S Bartoloni, C Ancillai, F Pascucci, GL Gregori
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 13 (4), 302-320, 2019
Il marketing tra reale e virtuale. Sfide ed opportunità nell'era digitale
F Pascucci
Esculapio, 2009
Exploring the relationships between perception of product quality, product ratings, and consumers’ personality traits: An eye-tracking study.
F Pascucci, S Bartoloni, MG Ceravolo, L Fattobene, GL Gregori, L Pepa, ...
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 15 (2), 89, 2022
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