Vertical integration and firm boundaries: The evidence F Lafontaine, M Slade Journal of Economic literature 45 (3), 629-685, 2007 | 1097 | 2007 |
Spatial price competition: a semiparametric approach J Pinkse, ME Slade, C Brett Econometrica 70 (3), 1111-1153, 2002 | 657 | 2002 |
Trends in natural-resource commodity prices: an analysis of the time domain ME Slade Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 9 (2), 122-137, 1982 | 578 | 1982 |
Contracting in space: An application of spatial statistics to discrete-choice models J Pinkse, ME Slade Journal of Econometrics 85 (1), 125-154, 1998 | 528 | 1998 |
Cartels, collusion, and horizontal merger A Jacquemin, ME Slade Handbook of industrial organization 1, 415-473, 1989 | 416 | 1989 |
Retail contracting: Theory and practice F Lafontaine, ME Slade The Journal of Industrial Economics 45 (1), 1-25, 1997 | 359 | 1997 |
Mergers, brand competition, and the price of a pint J Pinkse, ME Slade European Economic Review 48 (3), 617-643, 2004 | 356 | 2004 |
Vancouver's gasoline-price wars: An empirical exercise in uncovering supergame strategies ME Slade The Review of Economic Studies 59 (2), 257-276, 1992 | 291 | 1992 |
Interfirm rivalry in a repeated game: an empirical test of tacit collusion ME Slade The Journal of Industrial Economics, 499-516, 1987 | 270 | 1987 |
Optimal pricing with costly adjustment: evidence from retail-grocery prices ME Slade, GREQAM The Review of Economic Studies 65 (1), 87-107, 1998 | 261 | 1998 |
Valuing managerial flexibility: An application of real-option theory to mining investments ME Slade Journal of environmental economics and management 41 (2), 193-233, 2001 | 259 | 2001 |
The future of spatial econometrics J Pinkse, ME Slade Journal of Regional Science 50 (1), 103-117, 2010 | 257 | 2010 |
Incentive contracting and the franchise decision F Lafontaine, ME Slade Game theory and business applications, 133-188, 2001 | 238 | 2001 |
Product rivalry with multiple strategic weapons: An analysis of price and advertising competition ME Slade Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 4 (3), 445-476, 1995 | 234 | 1995 |
Exogeneity tests of market boundaries applied to petroleum products ME Slade The Journal of Industrial Economics, 291-303, 1986 | 219 | 1986 |
Market power and joint dominance in UK brewing ME Slade The Journal of Industrial Economics 52 (1), 133-163, 2004 | 216 | 2004 |
10 Exclusive Contracts and Vertical Restraints: Empirical Evidence and Public Policy F Lafontaine, M Slade Handbook of antitrust economics, 391, 2008 | 210 | 2008 |
What does an oligopoly maximize? ME Slade The Journal of Industrial Economics, 45-61, 1994 | 186 | 1994 |
Multitask agency and contract choice: An empirical exploration ME Slade International Economic Review, 465-486, 1996 | 185 | 1996 |
Spillovers in space: Does geography matter? S Lychagin, J Pinkse, ME Slade, JV Reenen The Journal of Industrial Economics 64 (2), 295-335, 2016 | 161 | 2016 |