teguh harjana
teguh harjana
National Research and Innovation Agency
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Analisis Kejadian Curah Hujan Ekstrem Di Pulau Sumatera Berbasis Data Satelit Trmm Dan Observasi Permukaan [Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events Over the Sumatera Island Based …
S Marpaung, D Satiadi, T Harjana
Jurnal sains dirgantara 9 (2), 2012
Moisture origin and transport for extreme precipitation over Indonesia’s new capital city, Nusantara in August 2021
A Purwaningsih, SW Lubis, E Hermawan, DF Andarini, T Harjana, ...
Atmosphere 13 (9), 1391, 2022
Aspek Iklim dalam Perencanaan Tata Ruang
I Susanti, T Harjana, A Pengantar
Edisi IPTEK 8 (18), 0917-8376, 2006
Pengelompokan wilayah curah hujan Kalimantan Barat berbasis metode ward dan fuzzy clustering
I Junaeni, D Yuliani, R Ayahbi, T Hardjana
Jurnal Sains Dirgantara 7 (2), 2010
Large-scale meteorological drivers of the extreme precipitation event and devastating floods of early-February 2021 in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
E Hermawan, SW Lubis, T Harjana, A Purwaningsih, Risyanto, A Ridho, ...
Atmosphere 13 (7), 1092, 2022
Kondisi Curah Hujan dan Curah Hujan Ekstrem Saat MJO Kuat dan Lemah: Distribusi Spasial dan Musiman di Indonesia
A Purwaningsih, T Harjana, E Hermawan, DF Andarini
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca 21 (2), 85-94, 2020
Risyanto; Ridho, A.; Andarini, DF; Ratri, DN; Widyaningsih, R. Large-Scale Meteorological Drivers of the Extreme Precipitation Event and Devastating Floods of Early-February …
E Hermawan, SW Lubis, T Harjana, A Purwaningsih
Atmosphere 13, 1092, 2022
Aplikasi Satelit Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Untuk Prediksi Curah Hujan Di Wilayah Indonesia
A Suryantoro, TH Halimurrahman, BP Iklim
Prosiding Workshop Nasional Aplikasi Sains Atmosfer dan Iklim, LAPAN …, 2008
Impacts of CENS and MJO phenomena on diurnal cycle of local convection, moisture convergence, and rainfall over land, coast, and sea areas in the western part of Java Island
D Satiadi, A Purwaningsih, W Harjupa, Trismidianto, DF Andarini, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 135 (5), 42, 2023
Estimation of spatial/temporal variations of rainfall over Indonesiamaritime continent using satellite IR data
T Harjana
神戸大学, 2007
Korelasi Antara Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) dan Total Precipitable Water (TPW) di Wilayah Indonesia Periode 1996-1999
J Visa, I Sofiati, T Harjana
Indonesian Journal of Physics 13 (3), 184-186, 2002
Prosedur tata kelola lokasi peneluran maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) di Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone
H Bashari, MW Lela, M Kobandaha, D Rahmanita, H Teguh
Penerbit: Balai Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone dan Enhancing the …, 2020
Pola dan Distribusi Frekuensi Curah Hujan di Pulau Morotai Berbasis Data Satelit Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)
J Visa, T Harjana
Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika 16 (1), 2015
Model Deret Waktu Aktivitas Konveksi di Benua Maritim Indonesia dan Sekitarnya Berbasis Transformasi Wavelet
A Suryantoro, MA Ratag, T Harjana, BT HK
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Prediksi Cuaca dan Iklim Nasional, Bandung 11, 113-122, 2000
Interactions among Cold Surge, Cross-Equatorial Northerly Surge, and Borneo Vortex in influencing extreme rainfall during Madden–Julian oscillation over the Indonesia Maritime …
Trismidianto, DF Andarini, R Muharsyah, A Purwaningsih, Risyanto, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 135 (5), 43, 2023
The Role of Self-Organization Convective Clouds Resulting in Heavy Rainfall Over the Western Part of Java Island on July 15–16, 2022
A Purwaningsih, Trismidianto, DF Andarini, Noersomadi, T Harjana, ...
International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and …, 2022
Himawari-8 rainfall estimation from infrared channels based on machine learning methods
R Risyanto, F Lasmono, T Harjana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2366 (1), 2021
Interaction between madden-julian oscillation and monsoon related to big floods over south sulawesi in january 2019
E Hermawan, T Harjana, A Ridho, T Maulana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524 (1), 012005, 2020
Variasi Spasiotemporal Curah Hujan Indonesia Berbasis Observasi Satelit TRMM
A Suryantoro, TH Halimurrahman
Prosiding Workshop Aplikasi Sains Atmosfer, LAPAN Bandung, 175-186, 2009
Halimurrahman, 2008. Variasi Spasiotemporal Curah Hujan Indonesia Berbasis Observasi Satelit TRMM
A Suryantoro, T Harjana
Prosiding Workshop Aplikasi sains Atmosfer: Sains Atmosfer Oa/am Mendukung …, 2008
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