Peggy Sattler
Peggy Sattler
MPP London West
在 ndp.on.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Education governance reform in Ontario: Neoliberalism in context.
P Sattler
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 2012
Work-integrated learning in Ontario's postsecondary sector
P Sattler
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Higher …, 2013
Work-integrated learning in Ontario's postsecondary sector: The experience of Ontario graduates
P Sattler, J Peters
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2013
Work-integrated learning in Ontario's postsecondary sector: The pathways of recent college and university graduates
J Peters, P Sattler, J Kelland
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2014
Combining workplace training with postsecondary education: The spectrum of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities from apprenticeship to experiential learning
P Sattler, R Wiggers, C Arnold
Canadian Apprenticeship Journal 5, 1-33, 2011
Work-integrated learning and postsecondary graduates: The perspective of Ontario employers
P Sattler, J Peters
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2013
The University of Waterloo and work-integrated learning: Three perspectives
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, L DeClou, P Sattler
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2013
Best practices in bridging education: Multiple case study evaluation of postsecondary bridging programs for internationally educated health professionals
E Neiterman, I Bourgeault, J Peters, V Esses, E Dever, R Gropper, ...
Journal of Allied Health 47 (1), 23E-28E, 2018
Multiple case study evaluation of postsecondary bridging programs for internationally educated health professionals: Étude de cas multiples de programmes de transition …
P Sattler, IL Bourgeault, R Gropper, J Peters, C Nielsen, E Dever, ...
HEQCO: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2015
Apprentissage intégré au travail dans le secteur postsecondaire de l’Ontario
P Sattler, J Peters
Conseil ontarien de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur, Toronto, 2011
L'apprentissage Intégré Au Travail Dans Le Secteur Postsecondaire de L'Ontario: Le Cheminement de Récents Diplômés Des Collèges Et Universités: The Pathways of Recent College …
J Peters, P Sattler, J Kelland
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2014
Apprentissage intégré au travail dans le secteur postsecondaire de l'Ontario: le point de vue des finissants
P Sattler, J Peters
Conseil ontarien de la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur, 2013
From postsecondary application to the labour market: The pathways of under-represented groups
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, P Sattler
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2010
Étude de cas multiples de programmes de transition postsecondaires pour les professionnels de la santé formés à l'étranger: Multiple case study evaluation of postsecondary …
P Sattler
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Higher …, 2015
Work-integrated learning and postsecondary graduates
P Sattler
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Higher …, 2012
Work-integrated learning in Ontario's postsecondary sector: Apprentissage intégré au travail dans le secteur postsecondaire de l'Ontario: le cheminement de récents diplômés …
J Peters, J Kelland, P Sattler
desLibris, 2015
The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
P Sattler, J Peters, IL Bourgeault, V Esses, E Neiterman, E Dever, ...
The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
J Peters, P Sattler, J Kelland
Apprentissage intégré au travail dans le secteur postsecondaire de l'Ontario: Work-integrated learning in Ontario's postsecondary sector
P Sattler
desLibris, 2013
Preliminary studies in view of the drainage of farmland in the Lozere department. Reference sector: Margeride, districts of Saint Chely d'Apcher, Fau de Peyre, Saint Laurent de …
P Sattler
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