Karin Doolan
Karin Doolan
Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za sociologiju
在 unizd.hr 的电子邮件经过验证
Školska klima i sukobi u školi
S Puzić, B Baranović, K Doolan
Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog …, 2011
Student Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Europe-Wide Insights.
K Doolan, V Barada, I Buric, K Krolo, Ž Tonkovic
European Students' Union, 2021
Contesting Neoliberal Urbanism on the European Semi-periphery: The Right to the City Movement in Croatia
D Dolenec, K Doolan, M Žitko
Europe-Asia studies 69 (9), 1-29, 2017
Socijalna dimenzija “Bolonjskog procesa” i (ne) jednakost šansi za visoko obrazovanje: neka hrvatska iskustva
S Puzić, K Doolan, D Dolenec
Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog …, 2006
‘My dad studied here too’: social inequalities and educational (dis) advantage in a Croatian higher education setting
K Doolan
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, 2009
Is There Anything Specific about Early School Leaving in S outheast E urope? A Review of Research and Policy
I Jugović, K Doolan
European Journal of Education 48 (3), 363-377, 2013
Student life during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: Europe-Wide Insights
V Barada, K Doolan, I Burić, K Krolo, Ž Tonković
University of Zadar, 2020
Socijalna i ekonomska slika studentskog života u Hrvatskoj: nacionalno izvješće istraživanja EUROSTUDENT za Hrvatsku
T Farnell, K Doolan, T Matković, M Cvitan
Jesu li čitanke književnosti za osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj rodno osjetljive?
B Baranović, K Doolan, I Jugović
Sociologija i prostor: časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog …, 2010
Social inequalities in access to higher education in Croatia: five decades of resilient findings
K Doolan, S Pužić, B Baranović
Journal of Further and Higher Education 1, 2017
Teaching history in a postwar social context—the case of the Croatian Danube Region
B Baranović, B Jokić, K Doolan
Intercultural Education 18 (5), 455-471, 2007
Reclaiming the role of higher education in Croatia: Dominant and oppositional framings
D Dolenec, K Doolan
The globalization challenge for European higher education: Convergence and …, 2013
Socijalni i ekonomski uvjeti studentskog života u Hrvatskoj: Nacionalno izvješće istraživanja EUROSTUDENT za Hrvatsku za 2014.
N Šćukanec, M Sinković, R Bilić, K Doolan, M Cvitan
Balkan and European? Place identifications of young people in Croatia
A Ross, S Puzić, K Doolan
Revija za sociologiju 47 (2), 125-150, 2017
The Embodiment of Class in the Croatian VET School System
K Doolan, N Lukić, N Buković
European Journal of Education 51 (3), 345-359, 2016
Charity’s dilemmas: an ethnography of gift-giving and social class in Croatia
K Doolan, D Cepić, JF Walton
Journal of Organizational Ethnography 8 (1), 11-24, 2019
i Cvitan, M.(2015)
N Šćukanec, M Sinković, R Bilić, K Doolan
Socijalni i ekonomski uvjeti studentskog života u Hrvatskoj: nacionalno …, 2014
Higher education funding and the social dimension in Croatia: Analysis and policy guidelines
J File, T Farnell, K Doolan, D Lesjak, N Šćukanec
Institute for the Development of Education, 2013
The Croatian Higher Education Funding System in a European Context: A Comparative Study
K Doolan, D Dolenec, M Domazet
Institute for the Development of Education, 2012
Social and economic conditions of student life in Croatia: National EUROSTUDENT survey report for Croatia
M Cvitan, K Doolan, T Farnell, T Matković
Zagreb: Institute for the Development of Education, 2011
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