Stimuli-responsive soft untethered grippers for drug delivery and robotic surgery A Ghosh, CK Yoon, F Ongaro, S Scheggi, FM Selaru, S Misra, DH Gracias Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 3, 7, 2017 | 115 | 2017 |
Design of an electromagnetic setup for independent three-dimensional control of pairs of identical and nonidentical microrobots F Ongaro, S Pane, S Scheggi, S Misra IEEE transactions on robotics 35 (1), 174-183, 2018 | 105 | 2018 |
Steering and control of miniaturized untethered soft magnetic grippers with haptic assistance C Pacchierotti, F Ongaro, F Van Den Brink, CK Yoon, D Prattichizzo, ... IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 15 (1), 290-306, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |
Autonomous planning and control of soft untethered grippers in unstructured environments F Ongaro, S Scheggi, CK Yoon, F den Brink, SH Oh, DH Gracias, S Misra Journal of micro-bio robotics 12, 45-52, 2017 | 79 | 2017 |
Control of untethered soft grippers for pick-and-place tasks F Ongaro, CK Yoon, F Van Den Brink, M Abayazid, SH Oh, DH Gracias, ... 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
A contactless and biocompatible approach for 3D active microrobotic targeted drug delivery F Ongaro, D Niehoff, S Mohanty, S Misra Micromachines 10 (8), 504, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
Design, characterization and control of thermally-responsive and magnetically-actuated micro-grippers at the air-water interface F Ongaro, S Scheggi, A Ghosh, A Denasi, DH Gracias, S Misra PloS one 12 (12), e0187441, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Evaluation of an electromagnetic system with haptic feedback for control of untethered, soft grippers affected by disturbances F Ongaro, C Pacchierotti, CK Yoon, D Prattichizzo, DH Gracias, S Misra 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Precise model-free spline-based approach for magnetic field mapping F Ongaro, CM Heunis, S Misra IEEE Magnetics Letters 10, 1-5, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Force characterization and analysis of thin film actuators for untethered microdevices F Ongaro, Q Jin, U Siciliani de Cumis, A Ghosh, A Denasi, DH Gracias, ... AIP advances 9 (5), 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Cinically-relevant control of microrobotic agents F Ongaro | | 2019 |
Precise Motion Control of Metallic Miniaturized Grippers in Dynamic and Cluttered Environments S Scheggi, A Denasi, A Ghosh, F Ongaro, DH Gracias, S Misra | | |