Gonzalo Muñoz Arroyo
Gonzalo Muñoz Arroyo
Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Cádiz, España
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An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean litter
C Morales-Caselles, J Viejo, E Martí, D González-Fernández, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (6), 484-493, 2021
Complementary use of intertidal mudflats and adjacent salinas by foraging waders
Ardea 88 (2), 177-191, 2000
Brood desertion and polygamous breeding in the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus
JA Amat, RM Fraga, GM Arroyo
Ibis 141 (4), 596-607, 1999
Intraclutch egg‐size variation and offspring survival in the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus
JA Amat, RM FRAGA, GM Arroyo
Ibis 143 (1), 17-23, 2001
Replacement clutches by Kentish plovers
JA Amat, RM Fraga, GM Arroyo
The condor 101 (4), 746-751, 1999
Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar
P Becciu, MHM Menz, A Aurbach, SA Cabrera‐Cruz, CE Wainwright, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 942-955, 2019
Brood desertion by female shorebirds: a test of the differential parental capacity hypothesis on Kentish plovers
JA Amat, GH Visser, A Pérez–Hurtado, GM Arroyo
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
New population estimates of a critically endangered species, the Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, based on coastal migration counts
GM Arroyo, M Mateos-Rodriguez, AR Munoz, AS De la Cruz, D Cuenca, ...
Bird Conservation International 26 (1), 87-99, 2016
An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean
C Morales-Caselles, J Viejo, E Martí, D González-Fernández, ...
Variations in body condition and egg characteristics of female Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus
JA Amat, RM Fraga, GM Arroyo
Ardea 89 (2), 293-299, 2001
Ocean surface winds drive local-scale movements within long-distance migrations of seabirds
M Mateos, GM Arroyo
Marine Biology 158, 329-339, 2011
Interannual variations in feeding frequencies and food quality of greater flamingo chicks (Phoenicopterus roseus): evidence from plasma chemistry and effects on body condition
JA Amat, F Hortas, GM Arroyo, MA Rendón, JM Ramírez, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2007
Calibration of visually estimated distances to migrating seabirds with radar measurements
M Mateos, GM Arroyo, A Rodríguez, D Cuenca, A De La Cruz
Journal of Field Ornithology 81 (3), 302-309, 2010
Reuse of nesting scrapes by Kentish Plovers
JA Amat, RM Fraga, GM Arroyo
The Condor 101 (1), 157-159, 1999
How adequately are the critically endangered Balearic Shearwaters protected by the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for seabirds? A case study in the Gulf of Cadiz
GM Arroyo, A de la Cruz, D Delgado
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00861, 2020
How threatened are large branchiopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Iberian Peninsula?
J Garcia-de-Lomas, J Sala, V Barrios, F Prunier, A Camacho, M Machado, ...
Hydrobiologia 801, 99-116, 2017
Autumn migration of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in the Strait of Gibraltar: accidental or regular?
A Onrubia, AR Muñoz, GM Arroyo, J Ramírez, A de la Cruz, L Barrios, ...
Ardea 99 (1), 113-116, 2011
Influencia de las transformaciones humanas de hábitats costeros supralitorales sobre la ecología de la reproducción de la Cigüeñela Himantopus himantopus y la Avoceta …
GM Arroyo
Universidad de Cádiz, 2000
The development and use of a method to fill time gaps in migration counts
M Mateos-Rodríguez, L Thomas, GM Arroyo
The Condor 114 (3), 513-522, 2012
Correlation between seabirds and fisheries varies by species at fine-scale pattern
A De la Cruz, C Rodríguez-García, R Cabrera-Castro, GM Arroyo
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (9), 2427-2440, 2023
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