Sarah Ann Lise D'haen
Sarah Ann Lise D'haen
Climate Analytics
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Adaptation strategies and climate vulnerability in the Sudano‐Sahelian region of West Africa
O Mertz, C Mbow, A Reenberg, L Genesio, EF Lambin, S D'haen, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 12 (1), 104-108, 2011
Asking about climate change: Reflections on methodology in qualitative climate change research published in Global Environmental Change since 2000
JØ Nielsen, SAL D’haen
Global Environmental Change 24, 402-409, 2014
Climate variability and environmental stress in the Sudan-Sahel zone of West Africa
O Mertz, S D’haen, A Maiga, IB Moussa, B Barbier, A Diouf, D Diallo, ...
Ambio 41, 380-392, 2012
Climate change adaptation costs in developing countries: insights from existing estimates
D Chapagain, F Baarsch, M Schaeffer, S D'haen
Climate and development 12 (10), 934-942, 2020
Adaptation to climate change as a development project: A case study from Northern Burkina Faso
JØ Nielsen, S D'haen, A Reenberg
Climate and Development 4 (1), 16-25, 2012
1.5 C hotspots: climate hazards, vulnerabilities, and impacts
CF Schleussner, D Deryng, S D'haen, W Hare, T Lissner, M Ly, A Nauels, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (1), 135-163, 2018
Environmental change in the Sahel: Reconciling contrasting evidence and interpretations
K Rasmussen, S D’haen, R Fensholt, B Fog, S Horion, JO Nielsen, ...
Regional Environmental Change 16, 673-680, 2016
Beyond local climate: rainfall variability as a determinant of household nonfarm activities in contemporary rural Burkina Faso
SAL D'haen, JØ Nielsen, EF Lambin
Climate and Development 6 (2), 144-165, 2014
Scenarios on future land changes in the West African Sahel
EF Lambin, SAL D’haen, O Mertz, JØ Nielsen, K Rasmussen
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 114 (1), 76-83, 2014
He who pays the piper calls the tune: Understanding collaborative governance and climate change adaptation in Northern Ghana
F Dapilah, JØ Nielsen, K Lebek, SAL D'haen
Climate Risk Management 32, 100306, 2021
Étude de la vulnérabilité des systèmes de production agro-sylvo-pastoraux face aux changements climatiques dans les provinces du Houet et du Tuy au Burkina Faso
SD Dayamba, S D’haen, OJD Coulibaly, JA Korahire
Report produced under the project “Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus …, 2019
Discussing rural-to-urban migration reversal in contemporary sub Saharan Africa: The case of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
JØ Nielsen, SAL D’haen
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IRI THESys, 2015
Evaluation des Références aux Changements Climatiques et de leur Base Scientifique dans les Politiques et Stratégies au Sénégal
M Noblet, A Seck, S D’haen, K Tovivo
Report produced under the project “Projet d’appui scientifique aux processus …, 2018
Embedded discourses: Nigerien academic contributions to land use change research since the 1960s
SAL D'haen, IB Moussa, A Reenberg
Journal of sustainable development 6 (7), 69, 2013
État des connaissances scientifiques sur les ressources en eau au Burkina Faso et de l’impact des changements climatiques sur ces ressources (Status of Scientific Knowledge on …
F Zougmoré, L Damiba, S D’haen, SD Dayamba
Climate Analytics gGmbH, Berlin, 2019
État des lieux de l’intégration du changement climatique dans les politiques nationales d’adaptation et de développement au Burkina Faso
S D’haen, E Thekritoff
Report produced under the project “Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus …, 2019
Contemplating climate change at local government: on-the-ground politics of adaptation delivery in Tanzania.
SAL D'haen, JØ Nielsen
Decentralized governance of adaptation to climate change in Africa, 25-36, 2017
Demographic shifts and “rural” urbanization in Tanzania during the 2000s
J Agergaard, SAL D’haen, T Birch-Thomsen
Session ‘Urbanisation as the New Frontier’, Abstract from Royal Geographical …, 2013
Climate, Water and Adaptation: Climate Related Projections on Future Water Resources and Human Adaptation in the Great Ruaha River Basin in Tanzania
TB Thomsen, E Liwenga, N Pauline, M Tumbo, S Osima, E Mpeta, ...
Improving welfare in a West-African context
S D'haen
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2012
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