Ngo Xuan Bach
Ngo Xuan Bach
Deputy Director of AI Product Division, FPT Smart Cloud
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Personalized recommendation of stories for commenting in forum-based social media
NX Bach, N Do Hai, TM Phuong
Information Sciences, 48-60, 2016
An Empirical Study on Sentiment Analysis for Vietnamese
NT Duyen, NX Bach, TM Phuong
Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), 309 - 314, 2014
Answering legal questions by learning neural attentive text representation
PM Kien, HT Nguyen, NX Bach, V Tran, M Le Nguyen, TM Phuong
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational …, 2020
VLSP Shared Task: Sentiment Analysis
NTM Huyen, NV Hung, NT Quyen, VX Luong, TM Vu, NX Bach, LA Cuong
Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics 34 (4), 295-310, 2018
An Empirical Study on POS Tagging for Vietnamese Social Media Text
NX Bach, ND Linh, TM Phuong
Computer Speech & Language 50, 1-15, 2018
A two-phase framework for learning logical structures of paragraphs in legal articles
NX Bach, NL Minh, TT Oanh, A Shimazu
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 12 (1), 1-32, 2013
Automated reference resolution in legal texts
OT Tran, BX Ngo, M Le Nguyen, A Shimazu
Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (1), 29-60, 2014
Neural session-aware recommendation
TM Phuong, TC Thanh, NX Bach
IEEE Access 7, 86884-86896, 2019
A Reranking Model for Discourse Segmentation using Subtree Features
NX Bach, N Le Minh, A Shimazu
The 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and …, 2012
Exploiting discourse information to identify paraphrases
NX Bach, NL Minh, A Shimazu
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (6), 2832–2841, 2014
Cross-domain sentiment classification with word embeddings and canonical correlation analysis
NX Bach, VT Hai, TM Phuong
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Information and Communication Technology …, 2016
Attentive deep neural networks for legal document retrieval
HT Nguyen, MK Phi, XB Ngo, V Tran, LM Nguyen, MP Tu
Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (1), 57-86, 2024
Recurrent convolutional networks for session-based recommendations
NX Bach, DH Long, TM Phuong
Neurocomputing 411, 247-258, 2020
Combining user-based and session-based recommendations with recurrent neural networks
TM Phuong, TC Thanh, NX Bach
Neural Information Processing: 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018 …, 2018
Mining Vietnamese comparative sentences for sentiment analysis
NX Bach, D Van Pham, ND Tai, TM Phuong
2015 Seventh international conference on knowledge and systems engineering …, 2015
Reference extraction from Vietnamese legal documents
NX Bach, NTT Thuy, DB Chien, TK Duy, TM Hien, TM Phuong
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Information and …, 2019
Leveraging user ratings for resource-poor sentiment classification
NX Bach, TM Phuong
Procedia Computer Science 60, 322-331, 2015
RRE Task: The Task of Recognition of Requisite Part and Effectuation Part in Law Sentences
NX Bach, NL Minh, A Shimazu
International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages (IJCPOL) 23 (2 …, 2011
Cross-language aspect extraction for opinion mining
NTT Thuy, NX Bach, TM Phuong
2018 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2018
A POS tagging model for Vietnamese social media text using BiLSTM-CRF with rich features
N Xuan Bach, T Khuong Duy, T Minh Phuong
PRICAI 2019: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Pacific Rim …, 2019
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