Ferenc Fedor
Ferenc Fedor
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Laboratory pressure pulse decay permeability measurement of Boda Claystone, Mecsek Mts., SW Hungary
F Fedor, G Hámos, A Jobbik, Z Máthé, G Somodi, I Szűcs
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33, S45-S53, 2008
Statistical analysis of vitrinite reflectance data—a new approach
F Fedor, M Hamor-Vido
International journal of coal geology 56 (3-4), 277-294, 2003
New results of Boda Claystone research: Genesis, mineralogy, geochemistry, petrophysics
F Fedor, Z Máthé, P Ács, P Koroncz
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 482 (1), 75-92, 2019
Evaluation of 3D small-scale lithological heterogeneities and pore distribution of the Boda Claystone Formation using X-ray computed tomography images (CT)
SM Abutaha, J Geiger, S Gulyás, F Fedor
Geologia Croatica 74 (3), 305-318, 2021
Experimental investigation of stress-dependent petrophysical behaviour of reservoir rocks
P Koroncz, F Fedor
8th Croatian-Hungarian and 19th Hungarian geomathematical congress …, 2016
Calculating the representative elementary volume of porosity using X-ray computed tomography: Boda Claystone Formation core sample/Hungary
S Abutaha, J Geiger, S Gulyás, F Fedor
Acta geologica slovaca 14 (1), 25-36, 2022
Assessing the representative elementary volume of rock types by X-ray computed tomography (CT)–a simple approach to demonstrate the heterogeneity of the Boda Claystone …
SM Abutaha, J Geiger, S Gulyás, F Fedor
Geologos 27 (3), 157-172, 2021
Experimental Rock Characterisation of Upper Pannonian Sandstones from Szentes Geothermal Field, Hungary
P Koroncz, Z Vizhányó, MP Farkas, M Kuncz, P Ács, G Kocsis, P Mucsi, ...
Energies 15 (23), 9136, 2022
Pore characterization, acoustic and permeability measurements on core plug triplets, from the Miocene Tótkomlós (Calcareous Marl) Formation of the Pannonian-basin, Hungary
P János Koroncz, Á Péter, V Lemberkovics, F Fedor
Geologia Croatica 70 (2), 87-92, 2017
Laboratory R&D related to the development of technology for water re-injection in poorly consolidated Upper Miocene rocks
P Koroncz, F Fedor, Z Vizhányó, M Kuncz, P Ács, A Fedor-Szász, ...
European Geothermal Congress 2022, 2022
Interdisciplinary investigation of Boda clay-stone formation-preliminary results
F Fedor, P Acs, T Fancsik, L Zilahy-Sebess, G Maros, A Csaba Kovacs, ...
The origin of gases explored within the inert gas zone, Hungarian Great Plain, Hungary
F Fedor
University of Miskolc, 2003
Semi-analytical approach to the determination of fracture permeability
P Pusztai, PJ Koroncz, M Kuncz, A Jobbik, F Fedor
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 14 (1), 16, 2023
Continuous wavelet transformation to quantify small-scale cycles of petrophysical properties; a new approach applied in a potential disposal repository of nuclear waste, SW Hungary
SM Abutaha, J Geiger, F Fedor, S Gulyás
Geologia Croatica 76 (3), 131-146, 2023
Módszer és laboratóriumi berendezés fejlesztése geotermikus kutak vizsgálatához
A Jobbik, V Füvesi, C Vörös, F Fedor, M Hlatki, I Bölkény
Characterization of slipped sediments from a loess landslide, Kulcs, Central-Hungary
B Udvardi, I Kovács, J Füri, P Kónya, Z Horváth, A Besnyi, M Földvári, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7367, 2014
A felszínmozgás zónájában előforduló üledékes kőzetek ásványos összetételének és fizikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálata Kulcs területén
B Udvardi, IJ Kovács, P Kónya, J Vatai, L Koloszár, F Fedor, P Ács, ...
Magyar Geofizika 55 (3), 121-133, 2014
The new conceptual model in Boda HLW/SF Project, S-Hungary
F Fedor, L Kovács, I Benkovics, I Szűcs
Approaches and challenges for the use of geological information in the …, 2009
Management of mission-critical information in Bataapati LLW/ILW Project, S-Hungary
F Fedor, VFJGL Menyhei, Z Szikszai, V Feurer, J Geiger
Approaches and challenges for the use of geological information in the …, 2009
Spatial extension and parameter integration into the safety case-examples from the Hungarian LLW/ILW and HLW disposal projects
F Fedor, I Szucs
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