A modeling approach for analysis of coupled multiphase fluid flow, heat transfer, and deformation in fractured porous rock J Rutqvist, YS Wu, CF Tsang, G Bodvarsson International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 39 (4), 429-442, 2002 | 1147 | 2002 |
Gas flow in porous media with Klinkenberg effects YS Wu, K Pruess, P Persoff Transport in porous Media 32, 117-137, 1998 | 469 | 1998 |
Advances in improved/enhanced oil recovery technologies for tight and shale reservoirs L Wang, Y Tian, X Yu, C Wang, B Yao, S Wang, PH Winterfeld, X Wang, ... Fuel 210, 425-445, 2017 | 332 | 2017 |
A generalized framework model for the simulation of gas production in unconventional gas reservoirs YS Wu, J Li, DY Ding, C Wang, Y Di Spe Journal 19 (05), 845-857, 2014 | 313 | 2014 |
User's guide for TOUGH2-MP-a massively parallel version of the TOUGH2 code K Zhang, YS Wu, K Pruess | 294 | 2008 |
Robust numerical methods for saturated-unsaturated flow with dry initial conditions in heterogeneous media PA Forsyth, YS Wu, K Pruess Advances in Water Resources 18 (1), 25-38, 1995 | 293 | 1995 |
A multiple-porosity method for simulation of naturally fractured petroleum reservoirs YS Wu, K Pruess SPE Reservoir Engineering 3 (01), 327-336, 1988 | 293 | 1988 |
Cryogenic fracturing for reservoir stimulation–Laboratory studies M Cha, X Yin, T Kneafsey, B Johanson, N Alqahtani, J Miskimins, ... Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering 124, 436-450, 2014 | 255 | 2014 |
A triple-continuum approach for modeling flow and transport processes in fractured rock YS Wu, HH Liu, GS Bodvarsson Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 73 (1-4), 145-179, 2004 | 249 | 2004 |
Waterless fracturing technologies for unconventional reservoirs-opportunities for liquid nitrogen L Wang, B Yao, M Cha, NB Alqahtani, TW Patterson, TJ Kneafsey, ... Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 160-174, 2016 | 211 | 2016 |
The effect of osmotic pressure on improve oil recovery from fractured shale formations P Fakcharoenphol, B Kurtoglu, H Kazemi, S Charoenwongsa, YS Wu SPE Unconventional Resources Conference/Gas Technology Symposium, D021S003R004, 2014 | 188 | 2014 |
Numerical simulation of single-phase and multiphase non-Darcy flow in porous and fractured reservoirs YS Wu Transport in Porous Media 49, 209-240, 2002 | 174 | 2002 |
A multiple-continuum model for simulating single-phase and multiphase flow in naturally fractured vuggy reservoirs YS Wu, Y Di, Z Kang, P Fakcharoenphol Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (1), 13-22, 2011 | 157 | 2011 |
A site-scale model for fluid and heat flow in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, Nevada YS Wu, C Haukwa, GS Bodvarsson Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 38 (1-3), 185-215, 1999 | 153 | 1999 |
Flow and displacement of Bingham non-Newtonian fluids in porous media YS Wu, K Pruess, PA Witherspoon SPE Reservoir Engineering 7 (03), 369-376, 1992 | 147 | 1992 |
Multiphase Fluid Flow in Porous and Fractured Reservoirs YS Wu | 141 | 2015 |
A triple-continuum pressure-transient model for a naturally fractured vuggy reservoir YS Wu, C Ehlig-Economides, G Qin, Z Kang, W Zhang, B Ajayi, Q Tao SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-110044-MS, 2007 | 138 | 2007 |
Thermodynamically consistent modelling of two-phase flows with moving contact line and soluble surfactants G Zhu, J Kou, B Yao, Y Wu, J Yao, S Sun Journal of Fluid Mechanics 879, 327-359, 2019 | 133 | 2019 |
A novel fully-coupled flow and geomechanics model in enhanced geothermal reservoirs L Hu, PH Winterfeld, P Fakcharoenphol, YS Wu Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 107, 1-11, 2013 | 132 | 2013 |
Numerical simulation of non-isothermal multiphase tracer transport in heterogeneous fractured porous media YS Wu, K Pruess Advances in water resources 23 (7), 699-723, 2000 | 130 | 2000 |