An extensive comparison of bug prediction approaches M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes 2010 7th IEEE working conference on mining software repositories (MSR 2010 …, 2010 | 805 | 2010 |
Evaluating defect prediction approaches: a benchmark and an extensive comparison M D’Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes Empirical Software Engineering 17, 531-577, 2012 | 715 | 2012 |
Software systems as cities: A controlled experiment R Wettel, M Lanza, R Robbes Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2011 | 329 | 2011 |
Big code!= big vocabulary: Open-vocabulary models for source code RM Karampatsis, H Babii, R Robbes, C Sutton, A Janes Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020 | 238 | 2020 |
Linking e-mails and source code artifacts A Bacchelli, M Lanza, R Robbes Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2010 | 232 | 2010 |
How do developers react to API deprecation? The case of a Smalltalk ecosystem R Robbes, M Lungu, D Röthlisberger Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on the …, 2012 | 220 | 2012 |
How program history can improve code completion R Robbes, M Lanza 2008 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2008 | 198 | 2008 |
On the relationship between change coupling and software defects M D'Ambros, M Lanza, R Robbes 2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 135-144, 2009 | 178 | 2009 |
A change-based approach to software evolution R Robbes, M Lanza Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166, 93-109, 2007 | 170 | 2007 |
The small project observatory: Visualizing software ecosystems M Lungu, M Lanza, T Gîrba, R Robbes Science of Computer Programming 75 (4), 264-275, 2010 | 167 | 2010 |
Empirical standards for software engineering research P Ralph, N Ali, S Baltes, D Bianculli, J Diaz, Y Dittrich, N Ernst, M Felderer, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.03525, 2020 | 145* | 2020 |
Spyware: A change-aware development toolset R Robbes, M Lanza Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008 | 128 | 2008 |
How do api documentation and static typing affect api usability? S Endrikat, S Hanenberg, R Robbes, A Stefik Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014 | 120 | 2014 |
An empirical study on the impact of static typing on software maintainability S Hanenberg, S Kleinschmager, R Robbes, É Tanter, A Stefik Empirical Software Engineering 19 (5), 1335-1382, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Improving code completion with program history R Robbes, M Lanza Automated Software Engineering 17, 181-212, 2010 | 114 | 2010 |
How developers use the dynamic features of programming languages: the case of smalltalk O Callaú, R Robbes, É Tanter, D Röthlisberger Proceedings of the 8th working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 23-32, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
Do static type systems improve the maintainability of software systems? An empirical study S Kleinschmager, R Robbes, A Stefik, S Hanenberg, E Tanter 2012 20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 153-162, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
Mining a change-based software repository R Robbes Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07: ICSE …, 2007 | 100 | 2007 |
How do developers react to api evolution? the pharo ecosystem case A Hora, R Robbes, N Anquetil, A Etien, S Ducasse, MT Valente 2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Can OpenAI's codex fix bugs? an evaluation on QuixBugs JA Prenner, H Babii, R Robbes Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Automated Program Repair …, 2022 | 89 | 2022 |