Influences of hunting on the behavior of white‐tailed deer: implications for conservation of the Florida panther JC Kilgo, RF Labisky, DE Fritzen Conservation Biology 12 (6), 1359-1364, 1998 | 298 | 1998 |
Effect of habitat and foraging height on bat activity in the coastal plain of South Carolina JM Menzel, MA Menzel Jr, JC Kilgo, WM Ford, JW Edwards, ... The Journal of wildlife management 69 (1), 235-245, 2005 | 216 | 2005 |
Predation by coyotes on white‐tailed deer neonates in South Carolina JC Kilgo, HS Ray, M Vukovich, MJ Goode, C Ruth The Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (7), 1420-1430, 2012 | 169 | 2012 |
Importance of coarse woody debris to avian communities in loblolly pine forests SM Lohr, SA Gauthreaux, JC Kilgo Conservation Biology 16 (3), 767-777, 2002 | 163 | 2002 |
Effect of stand width and adjacent habitat on breeding bird communities in bottomland hardwoods JC Kilgo, RA Sargent, BR Chapman, KV Miller The Journal of wildlife management, 72-83, 1998 | 146 | 1998 |
Presence and absence of bats across habitat scales in the upper coastal plain of South Carolina WM Ford, JM Menzel, MA Menzel, JW Edwards, JC Kilgo The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (5), 1200-1209, 2006 | 135 | 2006 |
Ecology and management of a forested landscape: fifty years on the Savannah River Site JC Kilgo, JI Blake Island Press, 2005 | 133 | 2005 |
Can coyotes affect deer populations in southeastern North America? JC Kilgo, HS Ray, C Ruth, KV Miller The Journal of wildlife management 74 (5), 929-933, 2010 | 132 | 2010 |
Quantifying drivers of wild pig movement across multiple spatial and temporal scales SL Kay, JW Fischer, AJ Monaghan, JC Beasley, R Boughton, ... Movement ecology 5, 1-15, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
Seasonal food habits of the coyote in the South Carolina coastal plain JD Schrecengost, JC Kilgo, D Mallard, HS Ray, KV Miller Southeastern Naturalist 7 (1), 135-144, 2008 | 108 | 2008 |
White‐tailed deer population dynamics and adult female survival in the presence of a novel predator MC Chitwood, MA Lashley, JC Kilgo, CE Moorman, CS Deperno The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (2), 211-219, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
Fine‐scale genetic structure and social organization in female white‐tailed deer CE Comer, JC Kilgo, GJ D'ANGELO, TC Glenn, KV Miller The Journal of wildlife management 69 (1), 332-344, 2005 | 94 | 2005 |
Do biological and bedsite characteristics influence survival of neonatal white-tailed deer? MC Chitwood, MA Lashley, JC Kilgo, KH Pollock, CE Moorman, ... PloS one 10 (3), e0119070, 2015 | 81 | 2015 |
Effects of scale of movement, detection probability, and true population density on common methods of estimating population density DA Keiter, AJ Davis, OE Rhodes Jr, FL Cunningham, JC Kilgo, KM Pepin, ... Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9446, 2017 | 80 | 2017 |
Coyote removal, understory cover, and survival of white‐tailed deer neonates JC Kilgo, M Vukovich, H Scott Ray, CE Shaw, C Ruth The Journal of Wildlife Management 78 (7), 1261-1271, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Amphibian and reptile community response to coarse woody debris manipulations in upland loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forests AK Owens, KR Moseley, TS McCay, SB Castleberry, JC Kilgo, WM Ford Forest Ecology and Management 256 (12), 2078-2083, 2008 | 80 | 2008 |
Spatial and temporal patterns of beetles associated with coarse woody debris in managed bottomland hardwood forests MD Ulyshen, JL Hanula, S Horn, JC Kilgo, CE Moorman Forest Ecology and Management 199 (2-3), 259-272, 2004 | 77 | 2004 |
Survival of white‐tailed deer neonates in Louisiana RM Shuman, MJ Cherry, TN Simoneaux, EA Dutoit, JC Kilgo, ... The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (5), 834-845, 2017 | 64 | 2017 |
Bat response to Carolina bays and wetland restoration in the southeastern US coastal plain JM Menzel, MA Menzel, JC Kilgo, WM Ford, JW Edwards Wetlands 25 (3), 542-550, 2005 | 64 | 2005 |
Hooded Warbler nesting success adjacent to group-selection and clearcut edges in a southeastern bottomland forest CE Moorman, DC Guynn Jr, JC Kilgo The Condor 104 (2), 366-377, 2002 | 63 | 2002 |