Erin Wilkinson
When deaf signers read English: Do written words activate their sign translations?
JP Morford, E Wilkinson, A Villwock, P Piñar, JF Kroll
Cognition 118 (2), 286-292, 2011
Iconicity is in the eye of the beholder: How language experience affects perceived iconicity
C Occhino, B Anible, E Wilkinson, JP Morford
Gesture 16 (1), 100-126, 2017
Bilingual word recognition in deaf and hearing signers: Effects of proficiency and language dominance on cross-language activation
JP Morford, JF Kroll, P Piñar, E Wilkinson
Second Language Research 30 (2), 251-271, 2014
Sign languages in the world
J Fenlon, E Wilkinson
Sociolinguistics and Deaf communities 1, 5-28, 2015
Deixis, anaphora and highly iconic structures: Cross-linguistic evidence on American (ASL), French (LSF) and Italian (LIS) signed languages
EA Pizzuto, P Rossini, MA Sallandre, E Wilkinson
TISLR9, 475-495, 2006
How bilingualism contributes to healthy development in deaf children: A public health perspective
E Wilkinson, JP Morford
Maternal and Child Health Journal 24 (11), 1330-1338, 2020
Typology of signed languages: Differentiation through kinship terminology
EL Wilkinson
The University of New Mexico, 2009
The time course of cross-language activation in deaf ASL–English bilinguals
JP Morford, C Occhino-Kehoe, P Piñar, E Wilkinson, JF Kroll
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20 (2), 337-350, 2017
ASL sign lowering as undershoot: A corpus study
K Russell, E Wilkinson, T Janzen
Laboratory Phonology 2 (2), 403-422, 2011
Language development in deaf bilinguals: Deaf middle school students co-activate written English and American Sign Language during lexical processing
A Villwock, E Wilkinson, P Piñar, M Jill P.
Cognition 211, 2021
Problematizing the legal recognition of sign languages in Canada
K Snoddon, E Wilkinson
Canadian Modern Language Review 75 (2), 128-144, 2019
Finding frequency effects in the usage of NOT collocations in American Sign Language
E Wilkinson
Sign Language & Linguistics 19 (1), 82-123, 2016
Meaning on the one and on the other hand
M Adam, W Iversen, E Wilkinson, JP Morford
Insistent images 5, 211, 2007
What is the source of bilingual cross-language activation in deaf bilinguals?
JP Morford, C Occhino, M Zirnstein, JF Kroll, E Wilkinson, P Piñar
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 24 (4), 356-365, 2019
A functional description of SELF in American Sign Language
E Wilkinson
Sign Language Studies 13 (4), 462-490, 2013
Formazione di parole visivo-gestuali e classi grammaticali nella Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS): dati disponibili e questioni aperte
E Pizzuto, E Wilkinson, T Russo, P Rossini
Formazione delle parole: atti del XXXVII Congresso internazionale di studi …, 2005
Working with ASL internet data
L Hou, R Lepic, E Wilkinson
Sign Language Studies 21 (1), 32-67, 2020
Genetics and deafness: A view from the inside
TB Burke, K Snoddon, E Wilkinson
Genetics of deafness 20, 1-8, 2016
La struttura del discorso segnato: dati sulla LIS, l'ASL e la LSF, e nuove prospettive nel quadro di una grammatica dell'iconicità
E Antinoro Pizzuto, P Rossini, MA Sallandre, E Wilkinson
I Segni parlano: prospettive di ricerca sulla Lingua dei Segni italiana …, 2008
Research methods in psycholinguistic investigations of sign language processing
JP Morford, B Nicodemus, E Wilkinson
Research methods in sign language studies: A practical guide, 207-249, 2015
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