Organizational commitment, human resource practices, and organizational characteristics J Fiorito, DP Bozeman, A Young, JA Meurs Journal of Managerial issues, 186-207, 2007 | 423 | 2007 |
Personality, political skill, and job performance G Blickle, JA Meurs, I Zettler, J Solga, D Noethen, J Kramer, GR Ferris Journal of Vocational Behavior 72 (3), 377-387, 2008 | 333 | 2008 |
Cognitive activation theory of stress: An integrative theoretical approach to work stress JA Meurs, PL Perrewé Journal of management 37 (4), 1043-1068, 2011 | 300 | 2011 |
Political skill construct and criterion‐related validation: A two‐study investigation GR Ferris, G Blickle, PB Schneider, J Kramer, I Zettler, J Solga, D Noethen, ... Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (7), 744-771, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |
Self-efficacy and political skill as comparative predictors of task and contextual performance: A two-study constructive replication IM Jawahar, JA Meurs, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter Human Performance 21 (2), 138-157, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |
Role of Political Skill in Job Performance Prediction Beyond General Mental Ability and Personality in Cross‐Sectional and Predictive Studies1 G Blickle, J Kramer, PB Schneider, JA Meurs, GR Ferris, J Mierke, ... Journal of applied social psychology 41 (2), 488-514, 2011 | 200 | 2011 |
Psychological contracts, perceived organizational and supervisor support: Investigating the impact on intent to leave among hospitality employees in India P Guchait, S Cho, JA Meurs Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 14 (3), 290-315, 2015 | 157 | 2015 |
The role of political skill in the stressor–outcome relationship: Differential predictions for self-and other-reports of political skill JA Meurs, VC Gallagher, PL Perrewé Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 (3), 520-533, 2010 | 155 | 2010 |
The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction. WA Hochwarter, PL Perrewé, JA Meurs, C Kacmar Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (2), 125, 2007 | 148 | 2007 |
The interactive effects of conscientiousness, openness to experience, and political skill on job performance in complex jobs: The importance of context G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, A Plies, S Günther Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (8), 1145-1164, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
It's all about me: The role of narcissism in exacerbating the relationship between stressors and counterproductive work behaviour JA Meurs, S Fox, SR Kessler, PE Spector Work & Stress 27 (4), 368-382, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Conscientiousness, extraversion, and field sales performance: Combining narrow personality, social skill, emotional stability, and nonlinearity A Wihler, JA Meurs, TD Momm, J John, G Blickle Personality and Individual Differences 104, 291-296, 2017 | 71 | 2017 |
Extraversion and adaptive performance: Integrating trait activation and socioanalytic personality theories at work A Wihler, JA Meurs, D Wiesmann, L Troll, G Blickle Personality and Individual Differences 116, 133-138, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |
Extraversion and job performance: How context relevance and bandwidth specificity create a non-linear, positive, and asymptotic relationship G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, R Merkl, T Missfeld Journal of vocational behavior 87, 80-88, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Reacting to and recovering from a stressful situation: the negative affectivity-physiological arousal relationship. KL Zellars, JA Meurs, PL Perrewe, CJ Kacmar, AM Rossi Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 14 (1), 11, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
Antecedents and consequences of perceived barriers to obtaining mentoring: A longitudinal investigation G Blickle, PB Schneider, JA Meurs, PL Perrewé Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (8), 1897-1920, 2010 | 53 | 2010 |
Leader inquisitiveness, political skill, and follower attributions of leader charisma and effectiveness: Test of a moderated mediation model G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, AK Peiseler International journal of selection and assessment 22 (3), 272-285, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Political skill as moderator of the trait sincerity–task performance relationship: A socioanalytic, narrow trait perspective JA Meurs, PL Perrewé, GR Ferris Human Performance 24 (2), 119-134, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Political skill and manager performance: Exponential and asymptotic relationships due to differing levels of enterprising job demands DN Gansen-Ammann, JA Meurs, A Wihler, G Blickle Group & Organization Management 44 (4), 718-744, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Machiavellian leader effectiveness HA Genau, G Blickle, N Schütte, JA Meurs Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |