Paltineanu Cristian
Paltineanu Cristian
National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment
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Using aridity indices to describe some climate and soil features in Eastern Europe: A Romanian case study
F Paltineanu, C., Mihailescu, I.F., Seceleanu, I., Dragota, C., Vasenciuc
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 90 (3-4), 263–274, 2007
Combining the standardized precipitation index and climatic water deficit in characterizing droughts: A case study in Romania
CN Păltineanu Cr., I.F. Mihailescu, Zoia Prefac, Carmen Dragota, Felicia ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 97 (3-4), 219–233, 2009
Relationships between the De Martonne aridity index and water requirements of some representative crops: A case study from Romania
IF Paltineanu, C., Tanasescu, N., Chitu, E., Mihailescu
International Agrophysics 21 (1), 81–93, 2007
Ariditatea, seceta, evapotranspiraţia şi cerinţele de apă ale culturilor agricole în România
I Seceleanu
Ovidius University Press, 2007
Root distribution of apple tree under various irrigation systems within the hilly region of Romania
C Tanasescu, N., Paltineanu
International Agrophysics 18 (2), 175–180, 2004
New trends for reference evapotranspiration and climatic water deficit
C Paltineanu, E Chitu, E Mateescu
International Agrophysics 26 (2), 2012
Climate change impact on phenological stages of sweet and sour cherry trees in a continental climate environment
C Paltineanu, E Chitu
Scientia Horticulturae 261, 109011, 2020
Crop water stress in peach orchards and relationships with soil moisture content in a Chernozem of Dobrogea
C Paltineanu, L Septar, C Moale
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 139 (1), 20-25, 2013
Timing of phenological stages for apple and pear trees under climate change in a temperate-continental climate
E Chitu, C Paltineanu
International journal of biometeorology 64 (8), 1263-1271, 2020
Pattern of soil physical properties in intensive plum and apple orchards on medium and coarse textured soils
C Paltineanu, N Tanasescu, E Chitu
Soil and Tillage Research 163, 80-88, 2016
Changes in crop evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements
E Paltineanu, C., Chitu, E., Mateescu
International Agrophysics 25 (4), 369–373, 2011
Correlation between sunshine duration and global solar radiation in south-eastern Romania
C Paltineanu, IF Mihailescu, V Torica, AN Albu
International agrophysics 16 (2), 2002
Correlation between the crop water stress index and soil moisture content for apple in a loamy soil: A case study in Southern Romania
N Paltineanu, C., Chitu, E., Tanasescu
Acta Horticulturae 889, 257–264, 2011
Irrigation water requirements for some fruit trees specific to the Arges-Vedea river basin, Romania
MN Paltineanu, Cr., Chitu, E., Tanasescu, N., Apostol, G., Pufu
Acta Horticulturae 537, 113–119, 2000
Investigating root density of plum and apple trees grafted on low-vigor rootstocks to improve orchard management
C Paltineanu, S Nicolae, N Tanasescu, E Chitu, S Ancu
Erwerbs-Obstbau 59 (1), 29-37, 2017
Spatial distribution of apricot roots in a semi-arid environment
C Paltineanu, L Septar, C Gavat, C Emil, I Mihai, A Oprita, C Moale, ...
Agroforestry Systems 90 (3), 469-478, 2016
Characterising root density of peach trees in a semi-arid Chernozem to increase plant density
C Paltineanu, L Septar, C Gavat, E Chitu, A Oprita, C Moale, I Calciu, ...
International agrophysics 30 (1), 2016
Influence of domestic activity on the quality of groundwater and surface water in the rural built-up area of the southern Romanian Danube Plain–a case study in the Glavacioc …
R Lăcătușu, C Paltineanu, A Vrinceanu, AR Lăcătușu
Carpathian Journal of Earth And Environmental Sciences 14 (2), 323-334, 2019
Peach irrigation under soil water stress in the south-eastern part of Romania
G Paltineanu, Cr., Septar, L., Moale, Cr., Oprita, A., Lamureanu
Acta Horticulturae 922, 195–202, 2011
Comparing soil physical properties in forest soils and arable soils within heavy-clay Phaeozems: an environmental case study in Romania
C Paltineanu, R Lacatusu, A Vrinceanu, O Vizitiu, AR Lacatusu
Agroforestry systems 94 (1), 113-123, 2020
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