Valerio Selis
Valerio Selis
University of Liverpool - Advanced Networks Research Group
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Detection and analysis of the Chameleon WiFi access point virus
J Milliken, V Selis, A Marshall
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2013, 1-14, 2013
Impact of Metric Selection on Wireless DeAuthentication DoS Attack Performance
J Milliken, V Selis, KM Yap, A Marshall
Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE 2 (5), 571-574, 2013
A classification-based algorithm to detect forged embedded machines in IoT environments
V Selis, A Marshall
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (1), 389-399, 2018
Molecular-based nano-communication network: A ring topology nano-bots for in-vivo drug delivery systems
DT McGuiness, V Selis, A Marshall
IEEE Access 7, 12901-12913, 2019
Intelligent autonomous user discovery and link maintenance for mmWave and TeraHertz devices with directional antennas
Z Khan, JJ Lehtomäki, V Selis, H Ahmadi, A Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 7 (4), 1200-1215, 2021
Cooperative estimation of primary traffic under imperfect spectrum sensing and Byzantine attacks
A Al-Tahmeesschi, M López-Benítez, V Selis, DK Patel, K Umebayashi
IEEE Access 6, 61651-61664, 2018
MEDA: A Machine Emulation Detection Algorithm
V Selis, A Marshall
SECRYPT 2015, 228-235, 2015
A fake timing attack against behavioural tests used in embedded IoT M2M communications
V Selis, A Marshall
Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), 2017 1st, 1-6, 2017
The effect of probe interval estimation on attack detection performance of a WLAN independent intrusion detection system
J Millikenl, V Selis, KM Yap, A Marshall
IET International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications …, 2012
Down Syndrome detection with Swin Transformer architecture
C Wang, L Yu, J Su, T Mahy, V Selis, C Yang, F Ma
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86, 105199, 2023
Development of device identity using wifi Layer 2 management frames for combating rogue APs
J Milliken, V Selis, KM Yap, A Marshall
2013 International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 1-6, 2013
A Novel ML-Based Symbol Detection Pipeline for Molecular Communication
V Selis, DT McGuiness, A Marshall
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications 9 …, 2023
Nano-machine to nano-machine molecular communications for drug delivery systems
V Selis, DT McGuiness, A Marshall
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale …, 2019
Establishing trusted Machine-to-Machine communications in the Internet of Things through the use of behavioural tests
V Selis
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2017
Gamification Approaches for Improving Engagement and Learning in Small and Large Engineering Classes
D McIntosh, W Al-Nuaimy, A Al Ataby, I Sandall, V Selis, S Allen
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 13 (9), 2023
Fully Automatic Karyotyping via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
C Wang, L Yu, J Su, J Shen, V Selis, C Yang, F Ma
IEEE Access, 2024
Generating Synthetic Tabular Data for DDoS Detection Using Generative Models
S Saka, A Al-Ataby, V Selis
2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2023
A Joint Traffic Flow Estimation and Prediction Approach for Urban Networks
R Jiang, S Wang, Y Zhang, V Selis
2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2023
Enhancing asynchronous remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Sedghi, D McIntosh, AA Ataby, V Selis, W Al-Nuaimy, S Thomason
Developing Academic Practice 2023 (Special), 39-47, 2023
The Effect of Human Body Shadowing in ZigBee Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Identification
R Alhajri, A Marshall, G Shen, M López-Benítez, V Selis, J Zhang
2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things (ICAIoT), 1-6, 2022
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