Evan Larson
Evan Larson
Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
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Changing climate response in near-treeline bristlecone pine with elevation and aspect
MW Salzer, ER Larson, AG Bunn, MK Hughes
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 114007, 2014
Side‐swiped: ecological cascades emanating from earthworm invasions
LE Frelich, B Blossey, EK Cameron, A Dávalos, N Eisenhauer, T Fahey, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (9), 502-510, 2019
Tree rings detect earthworm invasions and their effects in northern Hardwood forests
ER Larson, KF Kipfmueller, CM Hale, LE Frelich, PB Reich
Biological Invasions 12, 1053-1066, 2010
Influences of the biophysical environment on blister rust and mountain pine beetle, and their interactions, in whitebark pine forests
ER Larson
Journal of Biogeography 38 (3), 453-470, 2011
Patterns in whitebark pine regeneration and their relationships to biophysical site characteristics in southwest Montana, central Idaho, and Oregon, USA
ER Larson, KF Kipfmueller
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (3), 476-487, 2010
Suwannee River flow variability 1550–2005 CE reconstructed from a multispecies tree-ring network
GL Harley, JT Maxwell, E Larson, HD Grissino-Mayer, J Henderson, ...
Journal of Hydrology 544, 438-451, 2017
Does proxy uncertainty affect the relations inferred between the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and wildfire activity in the western United States?
KF Kipfmueller, ER Larson, S St. George
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (4), 2012
Fire history of a naturally fragmented landscape in central Oregon
KB Arabas, KS Hadley, ER Larson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (5), 1108-1120, 2006
People, fire, and pine: Linking human agency and landscape in the boundary waters canoe area wilderness and beyond
ER Larson, KF Kipfmueller, LB Johnson
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (1), 1-25, 2021
An assessment of the dendroclimatic potential of three conifer species in northern Minnesota
KF Kipfmueller, GP Elliott, ER Larson, MW Salzer
Tree-Ring Research 66 (2), 113-126, 2010
The North American tree‐ring fire‐scar network
EQ Margolis, CH Guiterman, RD Chavardès, JD Coop, K Copes‐Gerbitz, ...
Ecosphere 13 (7), e4159, 2022
Variability in fire regimes of high-elevation whitebark pine communities, western Montana, USA
ER Larson, SL Van De Gevel, HD Grissino-Mayer
Ecoscience 16 (3), 282-298, 2009
Ecological disaster or the limits of observation? Reconciling modern declines with the long‐term dynamics of whitebark pine communities
ER Larson, KF Kipfmueller
Geography Compass 6 (4), 189-214, 2012
Tree establishment during dry spells at an oak savanna in Minnesota
SS Ziegler, ER Larson, J Rauchfuss, GP Elliott
Tree-Ring Research 64 (1), 47-54, 2008
Human augmentation of historical red pine fire regimes in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
KF Kipfmueller, ER Larson, LB Johnson, EA Schneider
Ecosphere 12 (7), e03673, 2021
Disturbance ecology of high-elevation five-needle pine ecosystems in western North America
EM Campbell, RE Keane, ER Larson, MP Murray, AW Schoettle, C Wong
Keane, Robert E.; Tomback, Diana F, 154-163, 2011
Assessment of Tree Rings as a Hydrologic Record in a Humid Subtropical Environment1
K Crockett, JB Martin, HD Grissino‐Mayer, ER Larson, T Mirti
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46 (5), 919-931, 2010
Separating trends in whitebark pine radial growth related to climate and mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
SL Van de Gevel, ER Larson, HD Grissino-Mayer
Forests 8 (6), 195, 2017
Status and dynamics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) forests in southwest Montana, central Idaho, and Oregon, U.S.A.
ER Larson
University of Minnesota, 2009
A multi-proxy environmental narrative of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) habitat in the Willamette Valley, Oregon
K Copes-Gerbitz, K Arabas, E Larson, S Gildehaus
Northwest Science 91 (2), 160-185, 2017
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