Leonardo Damiani
Leonardo Damiani
Professore di costruzioni marittime Politecnico di bari
在 poliba.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Tsunamis generated by landslides at the coast of conical islands: experimental benchmark dataset for mathematical model validation
A Romano, M Di Risio, G Bellotti, MG Molfetta, L Damiani, P De Girolamo
Landslides 13, 1379-1393, 2016
The DPSIR approach for coastal risk assessment under climate change at regional scale: The case of apulian coast (Italy)
MF Bruno, A Saponieri, MG Molfetta, L Damiani
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (7), 531, 2020
Assessment and source identification of pollution risk for touristic ports: Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of 4 marinas of the Apulia region (Italy)
M Mali, MM Dell'Anna, P Mastrorilli, L Damiani, AF Piccinni
Marine pollution bulletin 114 (2), 768-777, 2017
New algorithms for shoreline monitoring from coastal video systems
N Valentini, A Saponieri, MG Molfetta, L Damiani
Earth Science Informatics 10, 495-506, 2017
A new video monitoring system in support of Coastal Zone Management at Apulia Region, Italy
N Valentini, A Saponieri, L Damiani
Ocean & coastal management 142, 122-135, 2017
Wave hydrodynamics over a barred beach
F Sancho, PA Mendes, JA Carmo, MG Neves, GR Tomasicchio, R Archetti, ...
Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (2001), 1170-1179, 2001
A simplified hindcast method for the estimation of extreme storm surge events in semi-enclosed basins
D Pasquali, MF Bruno, D Celli, L Damiani, M Di Risio
Applied Ocean Research 85, 45-52, 2019
Influence of hydrodynamic features in the transport and fate of hazard contaminants within touristic ports. Case study: Torre a Mare (Italy)
M Mali, D Malcangio, MM Dell’Anna, L Damiani, P Mastrorilli
Heliyon 4 (1), 2018
Are conventional statistical techniques exhaustive for defining metal background concentrations in harbour sediments? A case study: The Coastal Area of Bari (Southeast Italy)
M Mali, MM Dell’Anna, P Mastrorilli, L Damiani, N Ungaro, C Belviso, ...
Chemosphere 138, 708-717, 2015
Combining chemometric tools for assessing hazard sources and factors acting simultaneously in contaminated areas. Case study:“Mar Piccolo” Taranto (South Italy)
M Mali, MM Dell'Anna, M Notarnicola, L Damiani, P Mastrorilli
Chemosphere 184, 784-794, 2017
Identification of hot spots within harbour sediments through a new cumulative hazard index. Case study: Port of Bari, Italy
M Mali, MM Dell’Anna, P Mastrorilli, L Damiani, N Ungaro, A Gredilla, ...
Ecological Indicators 60, 548-556, 2016
Full-scale experiments on a beach drainage system: hydrodynamic effects inside beach
L Damiani, F Aristodemo, A Saponieri, B Verbeni, P Veltri, D Vicinanza
Journal of hydraulic research 49 (sup1), 44-54, 2011
Enhancing the performance of hazard indexes in assessing hot spots of harbour areas by considering hydrodynamic parameters
M Mali, F De Serio, MM Dell’Anna, P Mastrorilli, L Damiani, M Mossa
Ecological Indicators 73, 38-45, 2017
Laboratory investigation on the evolution of a sandy beach nourishment protected by a mixed soft–hard system
A Saponieri, N Valentini, M Di Risio, D Pasquali, L Damiani
Water 10 (9), 1171, 2018
A comparison of velocity measurements using a laser anemometer and a hot‐film probe, with application to grid‐stirring entrainment experiments
JF Atkinson, L Damiani, DRF Harleman
The Physics of fluids 30 (10), 3290-3292, 1987
Coastal sand dune restoration with an eco-friendly technique
F D’Alessandro, GR Tomasicchio, A Francone, E Leone, F Frega, ...
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 23 (4), 417-426, 2020
Exploiting remote imagery in an embayed sandy beach for the validation of a runup model framework
N Valentini, A Saponieri, A Danisi, L Pratola, L Damiani
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 225, 106244, 2019
Remote sensing-based automatic detection of shoreline position: A case study in apulia region
A Spinosa, A Ziemba, A Saponieri, L Damiani, G El Serafy
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (6), 575, 2021
Experimental investigation on wave set up and nearshore velocity field in presence of a BDS
L Damiani, D Vicinanza, F Aristodemo, A Saponieri, S Corvaro
Journal of Coastal Research, 55-59, 2011
Innovative strategies, monitoring and analysis of the coastal erosion risk: The STIMARE project
R Archetti, L Damiani, A Bianchini, C Romagnoli, M Abbiati, F Addona, ...
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-19-726, 2019
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