Olivier Doucet
Olivier Doucet
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Agir sur les leviers organisationnels pour mobiliser le personnel: le rôle de la vision, du leadership, des pratiques de GRH et de l’organisation du travail
M Tremblay, D Chênevert, G Simard, MÈ Lapalme, O Doucet
Gestion 30 (2), 69-78, 2005
The impacts of leadership on workplace conflicts
O Doucet, J Poitras, D Chênevert
International Journal of Conflict Management 20 (4), 340-354, 2009
Pratiques en GRH et engagement des employés: le rôle de la justice
G Simard, O Doucet, S Bernard
Relations industrielles 60 (2), 296-319, 2005
Leader profiles and their effectiveness on employees’ outcomes
O Doucet, M Fredette, G Simard, M Tremblay
Human performance 28 (3), 244-264, 2015
Passive leadership, role stressors, and affective organizational commitment: A time-lagged study among health care employees
D Chênevert, C Vandenberghe, O Doucet, AKB Ayed
European Review of Applied Psychology 63 (5), 277-286, 2013
Relationships between leader-contingent and non-contingent reward and punishment behaviors and subordinates’ perceptions of justice and satisfaction, and evaluation of the …
M Tremblay, C Vandenberghe, O Doucet
Journal of Business and Psychology 28, 233-249, 2013
Exploring the black box of the contingent reward leadership–performance relationship: The role of perceived justice and emotional exhaustion
MC Gaudet, M Tremblay, O Doucet
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (6), 897-914, 2014
High involvement management practices as leadership enhancers
O Doucet, MÈ Lapalme, G Simard, M Tremblay
International Journal of Manpower 36 (7), 1058-1071, 2015
L’effet médiateur du soutien et de la confiance dans la relation entre le leadership et l’engagement
O Doucet, G Simard, M Tremblay
Relations industrielles 63 (4), 625-647, 2008
The role of management and trade union leadership on dual commitment: The mediating effect of the workplace relations climate
C Fortin‐Bergeron, O Doucet, MA Hennebert
Human Resource Management Journal 28 (3), 462-478, 2018
Can “temps” secure future employment? Investigating the relationship between proactive behaviors and employers’ rehiring decision
MÈ Lapalme, O Doucet, A Gill, G Simard
Journal of Career Development 44 (4), 297-310, 2017
Le leadership transformationnel comme source d’engagement syndical: le rôle modérateur de la justice
C Fortin-Bergeron, O Doucet, MA Hennebert
Relations industrielles 68 (3), 409-430, 2013
HRM practices and employee commitment: The role of justice
G Simard, O Doucet, S Bernard
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 60 (2), 2005
The social integration of healthcare agency workers in long-term care facilities: A cross-sectional study
MÈ Lapalme, O Doucet
International journal of nursing studies 82, 106-112, 2018
À vos marques, prêts, gérez! la GRH pour gestionnaires
A Bourhis, D Chênevert
Éditions du renouveau pédagogique (dir.), Saint-Laurent, 2009
Les récents développements dans l'étude de l'engagement des employés: la redondance perdure
ME Lapalme, O Doucet
Actes du Congrès de l’AGRH, 2004
Les pratiques de GRH comme modérateurs dans la relation entre le leadership, l’empowerment et l’engagement des employés
O Doucet, G Simard, M Tremblay
meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 2007
Understanding union commitment among young workers: A cross-theoretical perspective
MA Hennebert, C Fortin-Bergeron, O Doucet
Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations 76 (2), 265-290, 2021
Mesurer la justice organisationnelle pour mieux comprendre l'effet des jeux politiques
O Doucet
Leadership and commitment: the mediating role of trust and support
O Doucet, G Simard, M Tremblay
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 63 (4), 2008
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