Assessment of acceptable tourism beach carrying capacity in both normal and COVID-19 pandemic conditions–Case study of the Town of Mali Lošinj H Grofelnik Hrvatski geografski glasnik 82 (2), 131-152, 2020 | 14* | 2020 |
The local blue water footprint of tourism on the islands of Cres and Lošinj H Grofelnik Hrvatski geografski glasnik 79 (2), 27-50, 2017 | 14* | 2017 |
Applying carbon footprint method possibilities to the sustainable development of sports tourism H Grofelnik, M Perić, N Wise WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 248, 153-163, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Je li održivi razvoj turizma ostvariv? H Grofelnik Geografski horizont 65 (1), 21-34, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Mastery of Long-Term Cartographic Knowledge and Skills of New Secondary Level Pupils H Grofelnik, I Pap Kartografija i geoinformacije 12 (19), 86-102, 2013 | 8* | 2013 |
Evaluating the travel carbon footprint of outdoor sports tourists H Grofelnik, M Perić, N Wise Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism 43, 100678, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
A regular annual sea transport carbon footprint for the islands of Cres and Lošinj H Grofelnik Hrvatski geografski glasnik 77 (2), 73-83, 2015 | 5* | 2015 |
Mogućnosti gospodarenja otpadom na otocima Cresu i Lošinju H Grofelnik NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 60 (5-6), S118-124, 2013 | 5* | 2013 |
Ekološki aspekt održivoga razvoja turizma na otocima Cresu i Lošinju H Grofelnik Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Geoheritage and Tourism - Opportunities for Growth H Grofelnik Proceedings of 6th International Conference Tourism in Southern and Eastern …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Elektroenergetski lokalni ugljikov otisak turizma na otocima Cresu i Lošinju H Grofelnik Geoadria 17 (2), 235-244, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Factors Influencing the Carbon Footprint of Major Road Infrastructure - Case Study of the Učka Tunnel H Grofelnik, N Kovačić Sustainability 15 (5), 4461, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Metode tematskog kartografskog predočavanja u ekonomskoj geografiji H Grofelnik Geografski horizont 55 (1.), 17-28, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Challenges of the water supply of Croatian islands in conditions of climate change and tourism growth H Grofelnik, M Maradin Geoadria 28 (2), 2-35, 2023 | 1* | 2023 |
Profiling Trail Runners by Experience–Use–History, Environmental Consciousness and Travel Carbon Footprint H Grofelnik, M Perić, N Wise Sport and Tourism, 139-155, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Introducing Geoinformatics into Secondary Education as a New Facultative Course S Benaković, H Grofelnik, T Golubić, R Grbac Živković Kartografija i geoinformacije 15 (26), 72-79, 2016 | 1* | 2016 |
Litoralizacija-nosilac razvoja grada Rijeke H Grofelnik Akademik Josip Roglić i njegovo djelo, 481-498, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Sport events and travel carbon footprint: seeking an optimal banace? H Grofelnik, M Perić, N Wise Sport Tourism, Events and Sustainable Development Goals: An Emerging …, 2024 | | 2024 |
Potencijali planinarskog turizma u Hrvatskoj B Drozdek, H Grofelnik Geografski horizont 69 (2.), 33-45, 2023 | | 2023 |