Jeremy Weiss
Jeremy Weiss
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Global sea level rise scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment
AS Parris, P Bromirski, V Burkett, DR Cayan, ME Culver, J Hall, ...
Long-term vegetation monitoring with NDVI in a diverse semi-arid setting, central New Mexico, USA
JL Weiss, DS Gutzler, JEA Coonrod, CN Dahm
Journal of Arid Environments 58 (2), 249-272, 2004
Tidally adjusted estimates of topographic vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding for the contiguous United States
BH Strauss, R Ziemlinski, JL Weiss, JT Overpeck
Environmental Research Letters 7 (1), 014033, 2012
Indicators of climate change and social vulnerability in fishing dependent communities along the Eastern and Gulf Coasts of the United States
LL Colburn, M Jepson, C Weng, T Seara, J Weiss, JA Hare
Marine Policy 74, 323-333, 2016
Distinguishing pronounced droughts in the southwestern United States: Seasonality and effects of warmer temperatures
JL Weiss, CL Castro, JT Overpeck
Journal of Climate 22 (22), 5918-5932, 2009
Is the Sonoran Desert losing its cool?
JL Weiss, JT Overpeck
Global Change Biology 11 (12), 2065-2077, 2005
Seasonal and inter-annual relationships between vegetation and climate in central New Mexico, USA
JL Weiss, DS Gutzler, JEA Coonrod, CN Dahm
Journal of Arid Environments 57 (4), 507-534, 2004
Evolution of 21st century sea level rise projections
AJ Garner, JL Weiss, A Parris, RE Kopp, RM Horton, JT Overpeck, ...
Earth's Future 6 (11), 1603-1615, 2018
Implications of recent sea level rise science for low-elevation areas in coastal cities of the conterminous USA: A letter
JL Weiss, JT Overpeck, B Strauss
Climatic Change 105 (3), 635-645, 2011
Projections of future sea level becoming more dire
JT Overpeck, JL Weiss
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (51), 21461-21462, 2009
Evidence against a Pleistocene desert refugium in the Lower Colorado River Basin
CA Holmgren, JL Betancourt, MC Peñalba, J Delgadillo, K Zuravnsky, ...
Journal of Biogeography 41 (9), 1769-1780, 2014
Climatic limits on foliar growth during major droughts in the southwestern USA
JL Weiss, JL Betancourt, JT Overpeck
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G3), 2012
County-level climate change information to support decision-making on working lands
E Elias, TS Schrader, JT Abatzoglou, D James, M Crimmins, J Weiss, ...
Climatic Change 148, 355-369, 2018
A new mission: Mainstreaming climate adaptation in the US Department of Defense
G Garfin, DA Falk, CD O'Connor, K Jacobs, RD Sagarin, AC Haverland, ...
Climate Services 22, 100230, 2021
Discerning “flavors” of drought using climate extremes indices
MA Crimmins, DB Ferguson, AM Meadow, JL Weiss
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56 (4), 989-1001, 2017
Warmer led to drier: Dissecting the 2011 drought in the southern US
JL Weiss, JT Overpeck, JE Cole
Southwest Climate Outlook 11 (3), 3-4, 2012
Maps of areas susceptible to sea level rise
J Weiss, J Overpeck
Environmental Studies Laboratory, Department of Geosciences, University of …, 2003
Climate Profile for The City of Flagstaff, Arizona
AM Meadow, S LeRoy, J Weiss, L Keith
Tucson, CLIMAS, University of Arizona, 2018
Mapping areas potentially impacted by sea level rise
JL Weiss, JT Overpeck, B Strauss
Environmental Studies Laboratory, 2009
Mapping climate exposure and climate information needs to water utility business functions
E Wasley, K Jacobs, J Weiss, N Preston, M Richmond
Alexandria, Va.: Water Research Foundation, Report A 4729, 2020, 2020
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