Stacie Metz
Stacie Metz
Professor | MPH Program Director | Graduate Coordinator, West Chester University of PA
在 wcupa.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Learning to BREATHE: A pilot trial of a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents
PC Broderick, S Metz
Advances in school mental health promotion 2 (1), 35-46, 2009
The effectiveness of the learning to BREATHE program on adolescent emotion regulation
SM Metz, JL Frank, D Reibel, T Cantrell, R Sanders, PC Broderick
Research in Human Development 10 (3), 252-272, 2013
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on educator stress and well-being: Results from a pilot study
JL Frank, D Reibel, P Broderick, T Cantrell, S Metz
Mindfulness 6, 208-216, 2015
Perception of nurse caring, skills, and knowledge based on appearance
CM Thomas, A Ehret, B Ellis, S Colon-Shoop, J Linton, S Metz
JONA: The Journal Of Nursing Administration 40 (11), 489-497, 2010
The influence of health insurance on parent’s reports of children’s unmet mental health needs
LA DeRigne, S Porterfield, S Metz
Maternal and Child Health Journal 13, 176-186, 2009
Measuring patient and clinician perspectives to evaluate change in health-related quality of life among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
KW Wyrwich, SM Metz, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, AN Babu, FD Wolinsky
Journal of general internal medicine 22, 161-170, 2007
Learning to BREATHE: A pilot trial of a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 2 (1), 35–46
PC Broderick, S Metz
Triangulating patient and clinician perspectives on clinically important differences in health‐related quality of life among patients with heart disease
KW Wyrwich, SM Metz, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, AN Babu, FD Wolinsky
Health services research 42 (6p1), 2257-2274, 2007
Validity of patient-reported health-related quality of life global ratings of change using structural equation modeling
SM Metz, KW Wyrwich, AN Babu, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, FD Wolinsky
Quality of Life Research 16, 1193-1202, 2007
Working on the inside: Mindfulness for adolescents
PC Broderick, SM Metz
Handbook of mindfulness in education: Integrating theory and research into …, 2016
Campus involvement, perceived campus connection, and alcohol use in college athletes
JW Brenner, SM Metz, CJ Brenner
Journal of Drug Education 39 (3), 303-320, 2009
Test-retest reliability of the Mirowsky-Ross 2× 2 Index of the sense of control
FD Wolinsky, SM Metz, WM Tierney, KW Wyrwich, AN Babu, K Kroenke
Psychological Reports 94 (2), 725-732, 2004
A comparison of traditional and Rasch cut points for assessing clinically important change in health-related quality of life among patients with asthma
SM Metz, KW Wyrwich, AN Babu, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, FD Wolinsky
Quality of life research 15, 1639-1649, 2006
Mind operated devices
S Metz, B Hoffman
Cognitive Technology 2 (1), 69-74, 1997
A social work education grounded in human rights
LE Quzack, G Picard, SM Metz, CM Chiarelli-Helminiak
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 6, 32-40, 2021
The reliability of retrospective change assessments
KW Wyrwich, SM Metz, AN Babu, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, FD Wolinsky
Quality of Life Research 11 (7), 636-636, 2002
Experiences and attitudes of collegiate athletic trainers regarding alcohol-related unintentional injury in athletes
JW Brenner, SM Metz, J Entriken, CJ Brenner
Journal of athletic training 49 (1), 83-88, 2014
Alcohol-related unintentional injury among collegiate athletes
JW Brenner, SM Metz, J Entriken
Athletic Training & Sports Health Care 6 (5), 228-236, 2014
Interpreting quality-of-life data: methods for community consensus in asthma
KW Wyrwich, SM Metz, K Kroenke, WM Tierney, AN Babu, FD Wolinsky
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 96 (6), 826-833, 2006
Learning to BREATHE: A pilot trial of a mindfulness curriculum for adolescents. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 2, 35-46
PC Broderick, S Metz
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