Anupam Khajuria
Estimation of municipal solid waste generation and landfill area in Asian developing countries
A Khajuria, Y Yamamoto, T Morioka
Journal of environmental biology 31 (5), 649-654, 2010
Accelerating circular economy solutions to achieve the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals
A Khajuria, VA Atienza, S Chavanich, W Henning, I Islam, U Kral, M Liu, ...
Circular Economy 1 (1), 100001, 2022
Solid waste management in Asian countries: problems and issues
A Khajuria, Y Yamamoto, T Morioka
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 109, 643-653, 2008
Climate change vulnerability assessment: Approaches DPSIR framework and vulnerability index
A Khajuria, NH Ravindranath
J. Earth Sci. Clim. Chang 3, 109, 2012
Decoupling and environmental Kuznets curve for municipal solid waste generation: evidence from India
A Khajuria, T Matsui, T Machimura, T Morioka
International Journal of Environmental Sciences 2 (3), 1670-1674, 2012
Climate change in context of Indian agricultural sector
A Khajuria, NH Ravindranath
J Earth Sci Clim Change 3, 110, 2012
Assessment of healthcare waste generated by Government Hospital in Agra city, India
A Khajuria, A Kumar
Our Nature 5 (1), 25-30, 2007
Assessment of the challenge of sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste management in India
A Khajuria, T Matsui, T Machimura, T Morioka
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 13 (2), 171-187, 2010
Illustrating a new global-scale approach to estimating potential reduction in fish species richness due to flow alteration
S Yoshikawa, A Yanagawa, Y Iwasaki, P Sui, S Koirala, K Hirano, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (2), 621-630, 2014
Impact of nitrate consumption: case study of Punjab, India
A Khajuria
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 8 (02), 211, 2016
An assessment of global net irrigation water requirements from various water supply sources to sustain irrigation: rivers and reservoirs (1960–2000 and 2050)
S Yoshikawa, J Cho, HG Yamada, N Hanasaki, A Khajuria, S Kanae
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss 10 (1), 1251-1288, 2013
GIS application for estimating the current status of municipal solid waste management system: case study of Chandigarh city, India
A Khajuria, T Matsui, T Machimura
Our Nature 9 (1), 26-33, 2011
Potential and use of nitrate in agricultural purposes
A Khajuria, S Kanae
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Economic growth decoupling municipal solid waste loads in terms of environmental Kuznets curve: Symptom of the decoupling in India
A Khajuria, T Matsui, T Machimura
Journal of sustainable development 4 (3), 51, 2011
Application on Reuse of Wastewater to Enhance Irrigation Purposes.
A Khajuria
Universal Journal of Environmental Research & Technology 5 (2), 2015
Nexus of Circular Economy and Industry 4.0 to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
A Khajuria
The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) 10 (12), 30-34, 2021
Promoting sustainability with ecological, economic and social dimensions in developing countries
A Khajuria, T Matsui, T Machimura, T Morioka
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 7 (4), 15-18, 2009
Integrated approach between DPSIR, planetary boundaries and sustainable development goals~ towards 3Rs and resource efficiency
A Khajuria
World Environ 10, 52-56, 2020
Adaptation Technology: Benefits of Hydrological Services—Watershed Management in Semi-Arid Region of India
A Khajuria, S Yoshikawa, S Kanae
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 6 (6), 565-570, 2014
Estimation and prediction of water availability and water withdrawal in india
A Khajuria, S Yoshikawa, S Kanae
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering …, 2013
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