Employee satisfaction in higher education: the case of academic and administrative staff in Turkey F Küskü Career Development International 8 (7), 347-356, 2003 | 301 | 2003 |
Corporate environmental citizenship variation in developing countries: An institutional framework Ş Özen, F Küskü Journal of Business Ethics 89, 297-313, 2009 | 174 | 2009 |
An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Citizenship in Australia and Turkey * F Küskü, A Zarkada‐Fraser British Journal of Management 15 (1), 57-72, 2004 | 156 | 2004 |
Explaining influences on career ‘choice’: the case of MBA students in comparative perspective M Özbilgin, F Küskü, N Erdoğmuş The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 (11), 2000-2028, 2005 | 148 | 2005 |
Dimensions of employee satisfaction: A state university example F Küskü METU Studies In Development 28 (2), 399-430, 2001 | 111 | 2001 |
From necessity to responsibility: Evidence for corporate environmental citizenship activities from a developing country perspective F Küskü Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 14 (2), 74-87, 2007 | 98 | 2007 |
Against the tide: Gendered prejudice and disadvantage in engineering F Küskü, M Özbilgin, L Özkale Gender, Work & Organization 14 (2), 109-129, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Explaining influences on career'choice'in comparative perspective M Ozbilgin, F Kusku, N Erdogmus | 75* | 2004 |
Yöneten–Yönetilen İlişkisinde Güven: Ampirik Bir İnceleme F Küskü Amme İdaresi Dergisi 32 (1), 135-151, 1999 | 40 | 1999 |
What happens to diversity at work in the context of a toxic triangle? Accounting for the gap between discourses and practices of diversity management F Küskü, Ö Aracı, MF Özbilgin Human Resource Management Journal 31 (2), 553-574, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
İsteğe bağlı kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetleri: Görünürde hayırseverlik FK Akdoğan, E Bay Amme İdaresi Dergisi 45 (1), 51-75, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Görünürde Kurumsallık: Aile İşletmeleri Örneği E Atila, F Küskü 2. Aile İşletmeleri Kongresi - Bildiriler Kitabı, 191-198, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
Women in engineering education in Turkey L Özkale, F Küskü, G Saglamer 2004 Annual Conference, 9.1427. 1-9.1427. 12, 2004 | 26 | 2004 |
Örgütsel bağlılığın duygusal bileşenleri: Türk kamu kuruluşunda kapsamlı bir yapısal denklem modeli İH Biçer, M Erçek, F Küskü, AF Çakmak İTÜDERGİSİ/d 8 (4), 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
Gendered occupational outcomes: The case of professional training and work in Turkey. A Tatli, MF Özbilgin, F Küskü Gender and Occupational Outcomes: Longitudinal Assessment of Individual …, 2008 | 21* | 2008 |
Beyond the three monkeys of workforce diversity: Who hears, sees, and speaks up? F Kusku, O Araci, V Tanriverdi, MF Ozbilgin Frontiers in Psychology 13, 879862, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Vatandaş Kuruluş Kavramı: Türk Kuruluşları İyi Birer Vatandaş mı? F Küskü, M Erçek Amme İdaresi Dergisi 33 (3), 79-95, 2000 | 13 | 2000 |
Kriz Döneminin İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamalarına Etkileri: Ampirik Bir İnceleme F Küskü Amme İdaresi Dergisi 34 (1), 15-32, 2001 | 11* | 2001 |
SUSTAINABLE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FROM THE LANGUAGE OF REPORTS GOC Kubilayhan, F Kusku Research Journal of Business and Management 7 (2), 95-115, 2021 | 10* | 2021 |
Sorumluluk mu, Zorunluluk mu? Türk Otomotiv Sektöründeki İşletmelerin Çevre İle İlgili Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi F Küskü 9. Ulusal Yönetim Ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 155-169, 2001 | 10* | 2001 |