B. Sivaneasan
Solar forecasting using ANN with fuzzy logic pre-processing
B Sivaneasan, CY Yu, KP Goh
Energy procedia 143, 727-732, 2017
V2G capacity estimation using dynamic EV scheduling
KN Kumar, B Sivaneasan, PH Cheah, PL So, DZW Wang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (2), 1051-1060, 2013
Impact of priority criteria on electric vehicle charge scheduling
KN Kumar, B Sivaneasan, PL So
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 1 (3), 200-210, 2015
Control and operation of a DC grid-based wind power generation system in a microgrid
KT Tan, B Sivaneasan, XY Peng, PL So
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 31 (2), 496-505, 2015
Preemptive demand response management for buildings
B Sivaneasan, KN Kumar, KT Tan, PL So
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 346-356, 2014
Modeling and performance analysis of automatic meter-reading systems using PLC under impulsive noise interference
B Sivaneasan, E Gunawan, PL So
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (3), 1465-1475, 2010
A new demand response algorithm for solar PV intermittency management
B Sivaneasan, NK Kandasamy, ML Lim, KP Goh
Applied energy 218, 36-45, 2018
Electric vehicle charging profile prediction for efficient energy management in buildings
KN Kumar, PH Cheah, B Sivaneasan, PL So, DZW Wang
2012 10th International Power & Energy Conference (IPEC), 480-485, 2012
Novel heuristic optimization technique to solve economic load dispatch and economic emission load dispatch problems
N Singh, T Chakrabarti, P Chakrabarti, M Margala, A Gupta, SP Praveen, ...
Electronics 12 (13), 2921, 2023
A new routing protocol for PLC-based AMR systems
B Sivaneasan, PL So, E Gunawan
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (4), 2613-2620, 2011
Sustainable campus with PEV and microgrid
R Singh, KN Kumar, B Sivaneasan, P So, HB Gooi, N Jadhav, C Marnay
Energy management of a multi-agent based multi-microgrid system
JS Ren, KT Tan, B Sivaneasan, PL So, E Gunawan
2014 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 1-6, 2014
Partial discharge diagnostics: Data cleaning and feature extraction
D Soh, SB Krishnan, J Abraham, LK Xian, TK Jet, JF Yongyi
energies 15 (2), 508, 2022
Overcoming solar PV intermittency using demand response management in buildings
B Sivaneasan, ML Lim, KP Goh
Energy Procedia 143, 210-215, 2017
Performance measurement and analysis of WiMAX-LAN communication operating at 5.8 GHz
B Sivaneasan, PL So, HB Gooi, LK Siow
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (3), 1497-1506, 2013
A simple routing protocol for PLC-based AMR systems
B Sivaneasan, PL So, E Gunawan
TENCON 2009-2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-5, 2009
Interruptible load scheme: Demand response management for buildings
B Sivaneasan, K Thachinamoorthi, KP Goh
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 1716-1719, 2016
An APWM soft switched DC-DC converter for PV and EV
KVR Kishore, N Brahmendra, B Sivaneasan, PL So, CC Chan
2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 3707-3712, 2014
Methodology for optimizing the number of electric vehicles deployed under a smart grid
KN Kumar, B Sivaneasan, PL So, DZW Wang
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Modeling and performance analysis of automatic meter reading systems using power line communications
B Sivaneasan, PL So, E Gunawan
2008 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems …, 2008
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