Vincensius Gunawan
Vincensius Gunawan
Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Diponegoro
在 fisika.undip.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Cerium oxide nanoparticles application for rapid adsorptive removal of tetracycline in water
I Nurhasanah, V Gunawan, H Sutanto
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (1), 103613, 2020
Penerapan Metode Hill Climbing Pada Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Mencari Lintasan Terpendek
EV Dangkua, V Gunawan, K Adi
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis 5 (1), 19-25, 2015
Surface and bulk polaritons in a PML-type magnetoelectric multiferroic with canted spins: TE and TM polarization
V Gunawan, RL Stamps
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (10), 105901, 2011
Ferromagnetic resonance shifts from electric fields: Field-enhanced screening charge in ferromagnet/ferroelectric multilayers
V Gunawan, RL Stamps
Physical Review B 85 (10), 104411, 2012
Dye-sensitized solar cell simulation performance using MATLAB
AM Habieb, M Irwanto, I Alkian, FK Sya’diyah, H Widiyandari, V Gunawan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1025 (1), 012001, 2018
The Implementation of Grey Forecasting Model for Forecast Result’s Food Crop Agricultural
A Muqtadir, S Suryono, V Gunawan
Scientific Journal of Informatics 3 (2), 159-166, 2016
Studi temperatur penumbuhan carbon nanotubes (CNT) yang ditumbuhkan dengan metode spray pyrolisis
A Subagio, V Gunawan
Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi ISSN 1979, 0880, 2009
Pengaruh perbedaan jumlah hidden layer dalam jaringan syaraf tiruan terhadap prediksi kebutuhan captopril dan paracetamol pada rumah sakit
P Wibowo, S Suryono, V Gunawan
J. Media Apl 11 (2), 45-58, 2019
Mixed modes of surface polaritons in a PML-type magnetoelectric multiferroic with canted spins
V Gunawan, RL Stamps
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (40), 406003, 2012
Land-use suitability evaluation for organic rice cultivation using fuzzy-AHP ELECTRE method
I Ali, V Gunawan, K Adi
Register 7 (1), 1-15, 2021
Decision Support Systems for Land Suitability Evaluation on Rice Cultivation using ELECTRE Method
I Ali, V Gunawan, K Adi
E3S Web of Conferences 202, 14004, 2020
Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Fine Particle by Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) Method Using Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) as Fuel
H Widiyandari, A Purwanto, V Gunawan, SA Widyanto
Reaktor 17 (4), 226-230, 2018
Polaritons in magnetoelectric multiferroics films: Switching magnon polaritons using an electric field
V Gunawan, H Widiyandari
Ferroelectrics 510 (1), 16-26, 2017
Pembuatan Kurva Isodosis 2D dengan Menggunakan Kurva Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) dan Profil Dosis dengan Variasi Kedalaman untuk Treatment Planning System
FN Ihya, C Anam, V Gunawan
Berkala Fisika 16 (4), 131-138, 2013
Fuzzy rule-based systems for controlling plant growth parameters in greenhouses using fog networks
E Ayuningsih, S Suryono, V Gunawan
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-6, 2019
Hysteresis Loops for Magnetoelectric Multiferroics Using Landau-Khalatnikov Theory
V Gunawan, NAK Umiati
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 8 (6), 4823, 2018
Penerapan Principal Component Analysis untuk Mereduksi Dimensi Data Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Pendidikan di Sekolah
D Wulandari, T Prahasto, V Gunawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis 6 (2), 91, 2016
Koreksi Kurva Isodosis 2d Untuk Jaringan Nonhomogen Menggunakan Metode Tar (Tissue Air Ratio)
R Kurniawan, V Gunawan, C Anam
Youngster Physics Journal 3 (4), 227-234, 2014
Growth of collagen-nanosilver (Co-AgNP) biocomposite film with electrospinning method for wound healing applications
A Subagio, NAK Umiati, V Gunawan
Journal of Physics: conference series 1524 (1), 012032, 2020
Structural characterization of hydrothermally synthesized MnO2 nanorods
DQ A’yuni, I Alkian, FK Sya’Diyah, A Darari, V Gunawan, A Subagio
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 909 (1), 012004, 2017
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