Bruce Kingsbury
Bruce Kingsbury
Purdue University Fort Wayne
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Beyond the wetland border: estimating the impact of roads for two species of water snakes
JH Roe, J Gibson, BA Kingsbury
Biological Conservation 130 (2), 161-168, 2006
No place like home: an experimental comparison of reintroduction strategies using snakes
JH Roe, MR Frank, SE Gibson, O Attum, BA Kingsbury
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (6), 1253-1261, 2010
Comparative water snake ecology: conservation of mobile animals that use temporally dynamic resources
JH Roe, BA Kingsbury, NR Herbert
Biological Conservation 118 (1), 79-89, 2004
Wetland and upland use patterns in semi-aquatic snakes: implications for wetland conservation
JH Roe, BA Kingsbury, NR Herbert
Wetlands 23 (4), 1003-1014, 2003
Movement and macrohabitat selection of the eastern massasauga in a fen habitat
JC Marshall Jr, JV Manning, BA Kingsbury
Herpetologica 62 (2), 141-150, 2006
Wetland complexes and upland–wetland linkages: landscape effects on the distribution of rare and common wetland reptiles
O Attum, YM Lee, JH Roe, BA Kingsbury
Journal of Zoology 275 (3), 245-251, 2008
Conservation strategies: captive rearing, translocation, and repatriation
BA Kingsbury, O Attum
Snakes: Ecology and conservation, 201-220, 2009
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake: a handbook for land managers
G Johnson, B Kingsbury, R King, C Parent, R Seigel, J Szymanski
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA, 1-76, 2000
Microsatellite variation, population structure, and bottlenecks in the threatened copperbelly water snake
JC Marshall, BA Kingsbury, DJ Minchella
Conservation Genetics 10, 465-476, 2009
Snake fungal disease affects behavior of free-ranging massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus)
SJ Tetzlaff, MJ Ravesi, MC Allender, ET Carter, BA DeGregorio, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12 (3), 624-634, 2017
First report of snake fungal disease from Michigan, USA involving Massasaugas, Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque 1818)
SJ Tetzlaff, M Allender, M Ravesi, J Smith, B Kingsbury
Herpetology Notes 8, 31-33, 2015
Thermal constraints and eurythermy in the lizard Elgaria multicarinata
BA Kingsbury
Herpetologica, 266-273, 1994
Range‐wide analysis of eastern massasauga survivorship
PC Jones, RB King, RL Bailey, ND Bieser, K Bissell, H Campa III, T Crabill, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (8), 1576-1586, 2012
The Spatial Ecology of the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus c. catenatus) in Northern Michigan
BA DeGregorio, JV Manning, N Bieser, BA Kingsbury
Herpetologica 67 (1), 71-79, 2011
Hibernacula of the copperbelly water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta) in southern Indiana and Kentucky
BA Kingsbury, CJ Coppola
Journal of Herpetology 34 (2), 294-298, 2000
Exotic invasive plants alter thermal regimes: implications for management using a case study of a native ectotherm
ET Carter, BC Eads, MJ Ravesi, BA Kingsbury
Functional Ecology 29 (5), 683-693, 2015
Factors influencing activity in Coleonyx variegatus
BA Kingsbury
Journal of Herpetology, 399-404, 1989
Experimental evaluation of captive-rearing practices to improve success of snake reintroductions
JH Roe, MR Frank, BA Kingsbury
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10 (2), 711-722, 2015
Upland–wetland linkages: relationship of upland and wetland characteristics with watersnake abundance
O Attum, YM Lee, JH Roe, BA Kingsbury
Journal of Zoology 271 (2), 134-139, 2007
Habitat separation among three species of water snakes in northwestern Kentucky
EJ Laurent, BA Kingsbury
Journal of Herpetology, 229-235, 2003
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