Frank Monaldo
Frank Monaldo
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Comparison of SAR-derived wind speed with model predictions and ocean buoy measurements
FM Monaldo, DR Thompson, RC Beal, WG Pichel, P Clemente-Colón
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 39 (12), 2587-2600, 2001
Validation of Geosat altimeter‐derived wind speeds and significant wave heights using buoy data
E Dobson, F Monaldo, J Goldhirsh, J Wilkerson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 92 (C10), 10719-10731, 1987
Large‐and small‐scale spatial evolution of digitally processed ocean wave spectra from SEASAT synthetic aperture radar
RC Beal, DG Tilley, FM Monaldo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 88 (C3), 1761-1778, 1983
Expected differences between buoy and radar altimeter estimates of wind speed and significant wave height and their implications on buoy‐altimeter comparisons
F Monaldo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 93 (C3), 2285-2302, 1988
A systematic comparison of QuikSCAT and SAR ocean surface wind speeds
FM Monaldo, DR Thompson, WG Pichel, P Clemente-Colón
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42 (2), 283-291, 2004
On the estimation of wave slope-and height-varnance spectra from SAR imagery
FM Monaldo, DR Lyzenga
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 543-551, 1986
Remote sensing observation used in offshore wind energy
CB Hasager, A Peña, MB Christiansen, P Astrup, M Nielsen, F Monaldo, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2008
Can synthetic aperture radars be used to estimate hurricane force winds?
J Horstmann, DR Thompson, F Monaldo, S Iris, HC Graber
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (22), 2005
Preliminary evaluation of Sentinel-1A wind speed retrievals
F Monaldo, C Jackson, X Li, WG Pichel
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
Spatial variations of ocean wave directional spectra from the Seasat synthetic aperture radar
RC Beal, TW Gerling, DE Irvine, FM Monaldo, DG Tilley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 91 (C2), 2433-2449, 1986
The Alaska SAR demonstration and near-real-time synthetic aperture radar winds
F Monaldo
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest 21 (1), 75-79, 2000
The SAR measurement of ocean surface winds: an overview
F Monaldo, V Kerbaol, P Clemente-Colon, B Furevik, J Horstann, ...
ESA Special Publication 565, 2, 2004
Satellite imagery of sea surface temperature cooling in the wake of Hurricane Edouard (1996)
FM Monaldo, TD Sikora, SM Babin, RE Sterner
Monthly Weather Review 125 (10), 2716-2721, 1997
Wind retrieval from synthetic aperture radar-an overview
KF Dagestad, J Horstmann, A Mouche, W Perrie, H Shen, B Zhang, X Li, ...
4th SAR Oceanography Workshop: Advances in SAR Oceanography, 2013
Daylight imagery of ocean surface waves for wave spectra
FM Monaldo, RS Kasevich
Journal of Physical Oceanography 11 (2), 272-283, 1981
A comparison of SIR-B directional ocean wave spectra with aircraft scanning radar spectra
RC Beal, FM Monaldo, DG Tilley, DE Irvine, EJ Walsh, FC Jackson, ...
Science 232 (4757), 1531-1535, 1986
Ocean wind speed climatology from spaceborne SAR imagery
FM Monaldo, X Li, WG Pichel, CR Jackson
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (4), 565-569, 2014
On using significant wave height and radar cross section to improve radar altimeter measurements of wind speed
F Monaldo, E Dobson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 94 (C9), 12699-12701, 1989
US East Coast synthetic aperture radar wind atlas for offshore wind energy
T Ahsbahs, G Maclaurin, C Draxl, C Jackson, F Monaldo, M Badger
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2019, 1-32, 2019
Using SAR remote sensing, field observations, and models to better understand coastal flows in the Gulf of Alaska
NS Winstead, B Colle, N Bond, G Young, J Olson, K Loescher, F Monaldo, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87 (6), 787-800, 2006
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