Unravelling the annual cycle in a migratory animal: breeding‐season habitat loss drives population declines of monarch butterflies DTT Flockhart, JB Pichancourt, DR Norris, TG Martin Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (1), 155-165, 2015 | 306 | 2015 |
Causes and consequences of variation in plant population growth rate: a synthesis of matrix population models in a phylogenetic context YM Buckley, S Ramula, SP Blomberg, JH Burns, EE Crone, J Ehrlén, ... Ecology letters 13 (9), 1182-1197, 2010 | 117 | 2010 |
Phenotypic Plasticity Influences the Size, Shape and Dynamics of the Geographic Distribution of an Invasive Plant JB Pichancourt, RD van Klinken PloS one 7 (2), e32323, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
Growing biodiverse carbon‐rich forests JB Pichancourt, J Firn, I Chadès, TG Martin Global Change Biology 20 (2), 382-393, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |
Empirical tests of life‐history evolution theory using phylogenetic analysis of plant demography JH Burns, SP Blomberg, EE Crone, J Ehrlen, TM Knight, JB Pichancourt, ... Journal of Ecology 98 (2), 334-344, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
Optimization methods to solve adaptive management problems I Chadès, S Nicol, TM Rout, M Péron, Y Dujardin, JB Pichancourt, ... Theoretical Ecology 10, 1-20, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |
Assessing the effect of habitat fragmentation on population dynamics JB Pichancourt, F Burel, P Auger Ecological modelling 192 (3), 543-556, 2006 | 57 | 2006 |
Priority threat management of invasive animals to protect biodiversity under climate change J Firn, R Maggini, I Chadès, S Nicol, B Walters, A Reeson, TG Martin, ... Global Change Biology 21 (11), 3917-3930, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Grassy field margins as potential corridors for butterflies in agricultural landscapes: a simulation study T Delattre, JB Pichancourt, F Burel, P Kindlmann Ecological Modelling 221 (2), 370-377, 2010 | 45 | 2010 |
Simple rules to contain an invasive species with a complex life-cycle and high dispersal capacity JB Pichancourt, I Chadès, J Firn, RD van Klinken, TG Martin Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (1), 52–62, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Fire management strategies to maintain species population processes in a fragmented landscape of fire‐interval extremes AIT Tulloch, JB Pichancourt, CR Gosper, A Sanders, I Chadès Ecological Applications 26 (7), 2175-2189, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
A carbon accounting tool for complex and uncertain greenhouse gas emission life cycles JB Pichancourt, R Manso, F Ningre, M Fortin Environmental modelling & software 107, 158-174, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
A hierarchical matrix model to assess the impact of habitat fragmentation on population dynamics JB Pichancourt, F Burel, P Auger Comptes rendus biologies 329 (1), 31-39, 2006 | 13 | 2006 |
The effect of stumpage prices on large-area forest growth forecasts based on socio-ecological models M Fortin, JB Pichancourt, LC de Melo, A Colin, S Caurla Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, https://doi.org/10 …, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Tiny terminological disagreements with far reaching consequences for global bird trends H Fraser, JB Pichancourt, A Butet Ecological Indicators 73 (2), 79-87, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Understanding the limits to species-wide demographic generalizations: the ecology and management of Parkinsonia aculeata JB Pichancourt, RD van Klinken, S Raghu Ecosphere 10 (5), https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2746, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Population‐level consequences of herbivory, changing climate, and source–sink dynamics on a long‐lived invasive shrub RD Van Klinken, JB Pichancourt Ecological applications 25 (8), 2255-2270, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Historical demography of Lantana camara L. reveals clues about the influence of land use and weather in the management of this widespread invasive species S Raghu, OO Osunkoya, C Perrett, JB Pichancourt Basic and applied ecology 15 (7), 565-572, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
A generic information framework for decision-making in a forest-based bio-economy JB Pichancourt, R Bauer, A Billard, M Brennan, S Caurla, A Colin, ... Annals of Forest Science 78, 1-17, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Some fundamental elements for studying social-ecological co-existence in forest common pool resources JB Pichancourt PeerJ 11, e14731, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |