Christopher G Tarolli
Christopher G Tarolli
University of Rochester Medical Center
在 urmc.rochester.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Using smartphones and machine learning to quantify Parkinson disease severity: the mobile Parkinson disease score
A Zhan, S Mohan, C Tarolli, RB Schneider, JL Adams, S Sharma, ...
JAMA neurology 75 (7), 876-880, 2018
Artificial intelligence-enabled detection and assessment of Parkinson’s disease using nocturnal breathing signals
Y Yang, Y Yuan, G Zhang, H Wang, YC Chen, Y Liu, CG Tarolli, ...
Nature medicine 28 (10), 2207-2215, 2022
Remote smartphone monitoring of Parkinson’s disease and individual response to therapy
L Omberg, E Chaibub Neto, TM Perumal, A Pratap, A Tediarjo, J Adams, ...
Nature biotechnology 40 (4), 480-487, 2022
Multiple wearable sensors in Parkinson and Huntington disease individuals: a pilot study in clinic and at home
JL Adams, K Dinesh, M Xiong, CG Tarolli, S Sharma, N Sheth, ...
Digital Biomarkers 1 (1), 52-63, 2017
Deep phenotyping of Parkinson’s disease
E Dorsey, L Omberg, E Waddell, JL Adams, R Adams, MR Ali, K Amodeo, ...
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 10 (3), 855-873, 2020
Passive monitoring at home: a pilot study in Parkinson disease
Z Kabelac, CG Tarolli, C Snyder, B Feldman, A Glidden, CY Hsu, ...
Digital biomarkers 3 (1), 22-30, 2019
Managing neurophobia: how can we meet the current and future needs of our students?
CG Tarolli, RF Józefowicz
Seminars in neurology 38 (04), 407-412, 2018
Feasibility, reliability, and value of remote video-based trial visits in Parkinson’s disease
CG Tarolli, K Andrzejewski, GA Zimmerman, M Bull, S Goldenthal, ...
Journal of Parkinson's disease 10 (4), 1779-1786, 2020
Monitoring gait at home with radio waves in Parkinson’s disease: A marker of severity, progression, and medication response
Y Liu, G Zhang, CG Tarolli, R Hristov, S Jensen-Roberts, EM Waddell, ...
Science Translational Medicine 14 (663), eadc9669, 2022
Symptom burden among individuals with Parkinson disease: a national survey
CG Tarolli, GA Zimmerman, P Auinger, S McIntosh, RK Horowitz, ...
Neurology: Clinical Practice 10 (1), 65-72, 2020
A real-world study of wearable sensors in Parkinson’s disease
JL Adams, K Dinesh, CW Snyder, M Xiong, CG Tarolli, S Sharma, ...
npj Parkinson's Disease 7 (1), 106, 2021
Remote administration of the MDS-UPDRS in the time of COVID-19 and beyond
RB Schneider, TL Myers, CG Tarolli, K Amodeo, JL Adams, ...
Journal of Parkinson's Disease 10 (4), 1379-1382, 2020
Detecting parkinson disease using a web-based speech task: Observational study
W Rahman, S Lee, MS Islam, VN Antony, H Ratnu, MR Ali, AA Mamun, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (10), e26305, 2021
Palliative care and Parkinson’s disease: outpatient needs and models of care over the disease trajectory
CG Tarolli, RG Holloway
Annals of palliative medicine 9 (Suppl 1), S44-S51-S4S51, 2020
Palliative care in Huntington disease: personal reflections and a review of the literature
CG Tarolli, AM Chesire, KM Biglan
Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements 7, 2017
Video-based Parkinson’s disease assessments in a nationwide cohort of Fox Insight participants
TL Myers, CG Tarolli, JL Adams, R Barbano, MC Gil-Díaz, KL Spear, ...
Clinical parkinsonism & related disorders 4, 100094, 2021
Design of a virtual longitudinal observational study in Parkinson’s disease (AT‐HOME PD)
RB Schneider, L Omberg, EA Macklin, M Daeschler, L Bataille, S Anthwal, ...
Annals of clinical and translational neurology 8 (2), 308-320, 2021
A longitudinal wearable sensor study in Huntington’s disease
K Dinesh, CW Snyder, M Xiong, CG Tarolli, S Sharma, E Dorsey, ...
Journal of Huntington's disease 9 (1), 69-81, 2020
Video research visits for atypical parkinsonian syndromes among Fox Trial Finder participants
CG Tarolli, GA Zimmerman, S Goldenthal, B Feldman, S Berk, B Siddiqi, ...
Neurology: Clinical Practice 10 (1), 7-14, 2020
Practicing in a pandemic: a clinician's guide to remote neurologic care
CG Tarolli, JM Biernot, PD Creigh, E Moukheiber, RME Salas, ER Dorsey, ...
Neurology: Clinical Practice 11 (2), e179-e188, 2021
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