Rr. Sri Endang  Pujiastuti
Rr. Sri Endang Pujiastuti
Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
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Scientific Knowledge Based Culture and Local Wisdom in Karimunjawa for Growing Soft Skills Conservation
M Sudarmin, RSE Pujiastuti, MN SKM
Internasional Journal, 2013
The development of e-partograph module as a learning platform for midwifery students: The ADDIE model
SPI Hadi, T Kuntjoro, S Sumarni, MC Anwar, MN Widyawati, ...
Belitung Nursing Journal 3 (2), 148-156, 2017
Dukungan keluarga pada lansia dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe II: Literature review
HN Arini, A Anggorowati, RSE Pujiastuti
NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan 7 (2), 172-180, 2022
Chemistry project-based learning for secondary metabolite course with ethno-STEM approach to improve students' conservation and entrepreneurial character in the 21st century
S Sudarmin, RSE Pujiastuti, R Asyhar, AT Prasetya, S Diliarosta, ...
JOTSE 13 (1), 393-409, 2023
Pengaruh Terapi Yoga Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi
RSE Pujiastuti, S Sawab, SZ Afiyati
Jurnal Perawat Indonesia 3 (1), 36-47, 2019
Effect of acupressure on quality of sleep and pulse rate in patients with acute myocardial infarction
ER Wiyatno, RSE Pujiastuti, T Suheri, D Saha
Belitung Nursing Journal 3 (4), 360-369, 2017
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Penyimpanan Rekam Medis di Instalasi Rekam Medis
E Susanto, RSE Pujiastuti, RD Cahyaningsih
Jurnal Rekam Medis Dan Informasi Kesehatan 2 (1), 26-33, 2019
The instructional design of ethnoscience-based inquiry learning for scientific explanation about Taxus sumatrana as cancer medication
S Sudarmin, S Diliarosta, RSE Pujiastuti, S Jumini, AT Prasetya
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 (4), 1493-1507, 2020
Effect of yoga on duration of the second stage of labor and perineal rupture in primigravida mothers
A Setyowati, S Suhartono, N Ngadiyono, RSE Pujiastuti, D Dyah
Belitung Nursing Journal 3 (6), 702-706, 2017
Negative air pressure on wet cupping in decreasing blood pressures in hypertensive patients
B Darmawan, D Fatmasari, R Sri, E Pujiastuti
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 7 (2), 116-129, 2017
Effectiveness of progressive mobilization level I and II on hemodynamic status and decubitus ulcer risk in critically ill patients
NWR Ningtyas, RRSE Pujiastuti, N Indriyawati
Belitung Nursing Journal 3 (6), 662-669, 2017
Yoga increases the quality of sleep in menopause women
YD Fara, RSE Pujiastuti, S Hadisaputro
Indonesian Journal of Medicine 4 (3), 278-284, 2019
Combination of modern dressing and bagging ozone therapy for speed up the process of wound healing of grade II diabetic ulcer patients
UM Rahayu, D Ramlan, MC Anwar, RR Sri, E Pujiastuti
Age (mean±SD) 58 (7.090), 61.50-9.338, 2017
Effect of relaxation therapy on anxiety level and breast milk production in pregnant and postpartum mothers: Systematic literature review
MA Muthiatulsalimah, RSE Pujiastut, A Santjaka, R Runjati
Journal Research of Social Science, Economics, and Management 1 (9), 1280 …, 2022
Dukungan keluarga pada lansia dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe II: Literature review. NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan, 7 (2), 172
HN Arini, A Anggorowati, RSE Pujiastuti
Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and muscle relaxation on fasting blood sugar levels among type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review
MA Anaabawati, H Rumahorbo, RSE Pujiastuti
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 4 (2), 153-161, 2021
Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Intervention on Blood Pressure among Pregnancy with Hypertension
RSE Pujiastuti, DK Mulyantoro
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 3 (3), 402-410, 2020
The effect of relaxation guided imagery and foot massage techniques on anxiety level in stroke patients
R Edelweis, S Hadisaputro, RSE Pujiastuti
WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal) 4 (2), 44-49, 2019
Peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa keperawatan melalui strategi pembelajaran berbasis virtual reality
RSEP Ike Puspitaningrum, KP Lestari
Jurnal Kepemimpinan Dan Manajemen Keperawatan 2 (2), 67-73, 2019
The effect of Maryam prenatal exercise on labor duration: A systematic review
N Kurniati, S Hadisaputro, RSE Pujiastuti
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 3 (1), 169-183, 2020
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