Толчева А.В.; Tolcheva А.; Tolcheva G.; Толчєва Г.В.; Tolchieva G.; Tolchieva H.; Tolchyeva G.
Толчева А.В.; Tolcheva А.; Tolcheva G.; Толчєва Г.В.; Tolchieva G.; Tolchieva H.; Tolchyeva G.
Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка orcid.org/0000-0001-7023-8194
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Fitness technologies in the system of physical qualities development by young students
V Zhamardiy, O Shkola, H Tolchieva, V Saienko
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 19 (20(1)), 142 – 149, 2020
Digital Transformation of Pedagogical Education at the University
D Voronin, V Saienko, H Tolchieva
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Digitalization of …, 2020
Improvement of the technical and tactical preparation of wrestlers with the consideration of an individual combat style
Y Tropin, M Latyshev, V Saienko, I Holovach, L Rybak, H Tolchieva
Sport Mont 19 (2), 23-28, 2021
Physical condition of primary school children in school year dynamics
H Butenko, N Goncharova, V Saienko, H Tolchieva, I Vako
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 82 (17(2)), 543 – 549, 2017
На шляху до стійкого розвитку економіки : господарський механізм взаємодії : [монографія]
ГВ Саєнко, ОО Папаіка, ГВ Толчєва
Донецьк : Вид-во ДонДУЕТ імені М. Туган-Барановського, 2005
Основы менеджмента и маркетинга в физической культуре и спорте : [учебное пособие]
ВГ Гринин, ВГ Саенко, АВ Толчева
Луганск : Изд-во ЛДПУ имени Тараса Шевченко, 2004
Use of health tourism as a basis for improving physical condition of primary school age children
H Butenko, N Goncharova, V Saienko, H Tolchieva
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (1), 34 – 39, 2017
Comparative analysis of changes in the body composition of female students under the influence of the various kinds of fitness training load
S Ivanchykova, V Saienko, N Goncharova, H Tolchieva, I Poluliashchenko
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 961 – 965, 2018
The structure model of methodical system usage fitness-technology in student physical education
O Shkola, V Zhamardiy, V Saienko, H Tolchieva, I Poluliashchenko
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (IJAEP), 89-96, 2020
Professional competencies as a component of professional training of a fitness trainer-teacher in higher education institutions
O Kornosenko, P Khomenko, I Taranenko, V Zhamardiy, O Shkola, ...
Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers 12 (1), 72-81, 2021
Стили управления и демократизация в процессе управления
АВ Толчева, ВГ Саенко
Вища освіта та економічні науки, 37 – 39, 2004
Dependence of the Company’s Reputation and the Quality of Customer Relations
RU Khan, V Saienko, H Tolchieva
Ikonomicheski Izsledvania 2, 159-176, 2021
Developing communicative professional competence in future economic specialists in the conditions of postmodernism
O Zahorodna, V Saienko, H Tolchieva, N Tymoshchuk, T Kulinich, ...
Postmodern Openings 13 (2), 77-96, 2022
Efficiency of Tourism Operators’ and Tourism Agents’ Activities in the Market of Tourist Services of Ukraine
V Saienko, I Mezentseva, H Tolchieva, I Salkova
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 1960-1966, 2020
Modernization of future teachers' professional training: on the role of immersive technologies
N Bakhmat, K Kruty, H Tolchieva, T Pushkarova
Futurity Education, 28-37, 2022
Correlations between competitive sports’ characteristics and the dark triad
Y Ueno, T Shimotsukasa, S Suyama, A Oshio
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (2), 533-536, 2017
Оздоровчі технології в системі фізичного виховання в позааудиторній роботі зі студентами вищих навчальних закладів
СІ Шинкарьов, ГВ Толчєва
Олимпийский спорт, физическая культура, здоровье нации в современных …, 2012
Переходной экономикой формируется новый тип экономического мышления
АВ Толчева, ТА Горягина
Соціально-економічні проблеми перетворення громадянського суспільства …, 2004
Training of teachers for the implementation of universal design in educational activities
N Byrko, H Tolchieva, O Babiak, A Zamsha, O Fedorenko, N Adamiuk
AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 12 (02), 117-125, 2022
Model of pedagogical system for teaching students motor actions in powerlifting
V Zhamardiy, O Shkola, V Saienko, H Tolchieva
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (IJAEP), 76 – 85, 2020
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