Douglas Kline
Douglas Kline
PhD Candidate, Committee on Immunology , University of Chicago
在 bsd.uchicago.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
STING pathway activation stimulates potent immunity against acute myeloid leukemia
E Curran, X Chen, L Corrales, DE Kline, TW Dubensky, P Duttagupta, ...
Cell reports 15 (11), 2357-2366, 2016
PD‐1 regulates extrathymic regulatory T‐cell differentiation
X Chen, D Fosco, DE Kline, L Meng, S Nishi, PA Savage, J Kline
European journal of immunology 44 (9), 2603-2616, 2014
Dendritic cells coordinate the development and homeostasis of organ-specific regulatory T cells
DS Leventhal, DC Gilmore, JM Berger, S Nishi, V Lee, S Malchow, ...
Immunity 44 (4), 847-859, 2016
CD40 ligation reverses T cell tolerance in acute myeloid leukemia
L Zhang, X Chen, X Liu, DE Kline, RM Teague, TF Gajewski, J Kline
The Journal of clinical investigation 123 (5), 1999-2010, 2013
Dendritic cells can prime anti-tumor CD8+ T cell responses through major histocompatibility complex cross-dressing
BW MacNabb, X Chen, S Tumuluru, J Godfrey, DN Kasal, J Yu, ...
Immunity 55 (6), 982-997. e8, 2022
Immune oncology, immune responsiveness and the theory of everything
T Turan, D Kannan, M Patel, J Matthew Barnes, SG Tanlimco, R Lu, ...
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 6, 1-10, 2018
Calreticulin promotes immunity and type I interferon-dependent survival in mice with acute myeloid leukemia
X Chen, D Fosco, DE Kline, J Kline
Oncoimmunology 6 (4), e1278332, 2017
Long-term remission of diabetes in NOD mice is induced by nondepleting anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 antibodies
Z Yi, R Diz, AJ Martin, YM Morillon, DE Kline, L Li, B Wang, R Tisch
Diabetes 61 (11), 2871-2880, 2012
Stochastic modeling of B lymphocyte terminal differentiation and its suppression by dioxin
Q Zhang, S Bhattacharya, DE Kline, RB Crawford, RB Conolly, ...
BMC systems biology 4, 1-18, 2010
CD8α+ dendritic cells dictate leukemia-specific CD8+ T cell fates
DE Kline, BW MacNabb, X Chen, WC Chan, D Fosco, J Kline
The Journal of Immunology 201 (12), 3759-3769, 2018
All-or-none suppression of B cell terminal differentiation by environmental contaminant 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Q Zhang, DE Kline, S Bhattacharya, RB Crawford, RB Conolly, ...
Toxicology and applied pharmacology 268 (1), 17-26, 2013
Negligible role for deletion mediated by cDC1 in CD8+ T cell tolerance
BW MacNabb, DE Kline, AR Albright, X Chen, DS Leventhal, PA Savage, ...
The Journal of Immunology 202 (9), 2628-2635, 2019
31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part one: National Harbor, MD, USA. 9-13 November 2016
A Lundqvist, V van Hoef, X Zhang, E Wennerberg, J Lorent, K Witt, ...
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 4, 1-106, 2016
Anti-coreceptor therapy drives selective T cell egress by suppressing inflammation-dependent chemotactic cues
AJ Martin, M Clark, G Gojanovich, F Manzoor, K Miller, DE Kline, ...
JCI insight 1 (17), 2016
Peripheral T-cell tolerance in hosts with acute myeloid leukemia
X Chen, DE Kline, J Kline
Oncoimmunology 2 (8), e25445, 2013
Oncoimmunology. 2017
X Chen, D Fosco, DE Kline, J Kline
V 6, e1278332, 0
Repetitive calcium transients and the role of calcium in exocytosis and cell cycle activation in the mouse eggs
D Kline
Dev. Biol. 50, 193-203, 1992
Dendritic Cells Prime Anti-tumor CD8 T Cell Responses through MHC-Dressing
BW MacNabb
The University of Chicago, 2022
CD8α+ Dendritic Cells Induce Leukemia-Specific T cell Tolerance
DE Kline, X Chen, D Fosco, J Kline
The Journal of Immunology 196 (1_Supplement), 211.15-211.15, 2016
The Innate Immune System Drives T Cell Tolerance Against Acute Myeloid Leukemia
D Kline
University of Chicago, 2016
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