Marcin Bielecki
Marcin Bielecki
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The natural rate of interest: estimates, drivers, and challenges to monetary policy
C Brand, M Bielecki, A Penalver
ECB Occasional Paper, 2018
Decreasing fertility vs increasing longevity: Raising the retirement age in the context of ageing processes
M Bielecki, K Goraus, J Hagemejer, J Tyrowicz
Economic Modelling 52, 125-143, 2016
Demographics, monetary policy, and the zero lower bound
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
National Bank of Poland Education & Publishing Department, 2018
Demographics and the natural interest rate in the euro area
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
European Economic Review 129, 103535, 2020
Small assumptions (can) have a large bearing: evaluating pension system reforms with OLG models
M Bielecki, K Goraus, J Hagemejer, K Makarski, J Tyrowicz
Economic Modelling 48, 210-221, 2015
Intergenerational redistributive effects of monetary policy
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (2), 549-580, 2022
Could the boom-bust in the eurozone periphery have been prevented?
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa, K Makarski
Inequality in an OLG economy with heterogeneous cohorts and pension systems
J Tyrowicz, K Makarski, M Bielecki
The Journal of Economic Inequality 16 (4), 583-606, 2018
Reforming retirement age in DB and DC pension systems in an aging OLG economy with heterogenous agents
J Tyrowicz, K Makarski, M Bielecki
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 5, 1-36, 2016
Labor tax reductions in Europe: the role of property taxation
M Bielecki, N Stähler
Macroeconomic Dynamics 26 (2), 419-451, 2022
Business cycles, innovation and growth: welfare analysis
M Bielecki
IDEAS Working Papers 19, 1-49, 2017
Labor tax reductions in Europe: The role of property taxation
M Bielecki, N Stahler
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper, 2018
The Sooner The Better–The Welfare Effects of the Retirement Age Increase Under Various Pension Schemes
M Bielecki, K Goraus, J Hagemejer, J Tyrowicz
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2014
Inequalities in an OLG economy with heterogeneity within cohorts and pension systems
M Bielecki, J Tyrowicz, K Makarski, M Waniek
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2015
In the search for the optimal path to establish a funded pension system
M Bielecki, K Makarski, J Tyrowicz, M Waniek
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2015
Innovation and Endogenous Growth over the Business Cycle with Frictional Labor Markets
M Bielecki
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, 263-302-263-302, 2022
Aging, migration and monetary policy in Poland
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
Narodowy Bank Polski, 2021
Comment on “the limits of forward guidance” by jeffrey r. campbell, filippo ferroni, jonas dm fisher and leonardo melosi
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
Journal of Monetary Economics 108, 135-139, 2019
Innovation and endogenous growth over business cycle with frictional labor markets
M Bielecki
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2017
The demographic transition and monetary policy in a small open economy
M Bielecki, M Brzoza-Brzezina, M Kolasa
National Bank of Poland mimeo.(2018):“Demographics, Monetary Policy and the …, 2017
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